Big baby- Montgomery De La Cruz

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Warnings: swearing, fluff and adorableness


I walked into the party and smiled, looking around me. I searched for my boyfriend, who said he'd be here by now. I spotted Jessica and decided to ask her where he was.

"Hey Jess, Have you seen Monty? I literally cannot find him anywhere and I need a hug" I laughed slightly, holding onto my drink. She nodded and smiled back, pointing towards a bathroom.

"I saw him go into a bathroom, maybe he drunk too much and needed to throw up?" She told me. I shrugged and pushed past the sweaty bodies. I made my way to the bathroom and knocked on the door a few times. "Occu-fucking-pied" I heard from behind the door and let out a small laugh.

"Are you okay? Do you need me to call you an ambulance?" I joked, hearing a small gasp and the door unlock. I looked up to see my boyfriend standing with a smile on his face. He wiped some vomit off his face with his sleeve and I frowned. "That's fucking disgusting" I commented.

"Baby! Sorry, I had already drunk some shit on my way here" He admitted, pulling me for a hug. I quickly pulled away, not wanting to smell of sick and vomit. "Wash yourself up and then I'll hug you. You smell like shi-" He cut me off, smirking slightly.

"Like cake and hotness" He said, me now realising he was drunk. I laughed and pushed him back into the bathroom, closing the door. "Yeah, totally" I sarcastically replied. He smiled but it was short lived as he quickly rushed back over to the toilet and threw up even more.

About 20 minutes later, I'd helped him get cleaned up. He sat on one of the countertops, me in between his legs. I had tissue in my hand, wiping his face. I looked into his eyes and caught his gaze. I rolled my eyes "Monty" I began. He looked up at me and hummed in response. "Stop staring at my boobs" I said, pulling my dress up a bit.

He gasped dramatically and put his hand to his chest. "Excuse me, No I will not" He replied, staring back at my cleavage. I stood up straight and threw the tissue into the toilet, flushing it. "Now can I have a kiss?" He asked me, pecking up his lips at me.

"Are you insane? No." I told him again. He whined and stomped his foot like a child. "I want a kiss! You can't just come in here looking like that and not give me a kiss!" He raised his voice. I sat on the toilet seat and raised my eyebrows.

"Watch yourself, otherwise you'll never get a kiss from me ever again" I told him with a smirk. I handed him some mouthwash and watched him inspect the bottle. "What the fuck kind of drink is this?" He asked, pouring some into his mouth.

"It's not alcohol! It's mouthwash you complete idiot!" I replied, before he swallowed it. His face lit up and I could tell the mint flavour was burning his mouth. He spat it out and I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't fucking laugh at me! I'll shut you up in no time" He said, putting the bottle down and towering over me.

"Oh really? You're way to drunk to do anything." I flirted. He pulled me up from where I was sat and held me at the waist. "Now I'm all cleaned up and minty fresh, can I please have a kiss?" He begged, looking into my eyes. How could I say no? "Yes, of course you big baby" I felt his lips crash onto mine and soon enough we were getting heated.

He pulled away softly and looked into my eyes. "I'm your big baby. And you're mine. All mine. Mine mine mine" he repeated, pecking different spots on my face. He could be so darn sweet sometimes. He really is my baby.

We left the bathroom, Montys arm around my neck. We had decided to just go to his house as his parents weren't home and we'd get some alone time.

I was sat on his bed with him changing his shirt infront of me. He flopped onto the bed, snuggling next to my stomach. He kissed my skin and sighed happily. "You tired bub?" I asked him. He nodded and kissed me again. "You know, if you were up to it...we could have a little fun?" I questioned, playing with his hair.

"I'm really tired, and besides we've had sex near enough every day this week. It's not supposed to be all about sex, you're my girlfriend not my fuck toy" He told me. My heart melted and my cheeks filled with red. "Okay baby, you go to sleep then and we can talk in the morning" I said, not knowing what to say.

I smiled, he had never said that before and I felt so happy that I'd got so lucky with him. I put my phone down and he pulled himself up next to me. He nuzzled into my neck, breathing onto me. "I love you" He whispered, dozing off to sleep. "I love you too, Monty" I replied, resing my head on his.