Justin Foley (Request)

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This is for: Mollie423 i think lol
Thank you bbbyyyyyyy
I'm sorry this took so longggg and its ShItTy but homework has been horrible.
I woke up with a hangover today smh.
I wasn't sure what to write so I had to look up some inspo :)

"You've been in bed for two days now." Justin sighed, looking down at me from the side of my bed. I looked up at him before rolling my eyes and covering my head with my pillow. My room smelled of alcohol and so did my breath, I hoped he wouldn't notice.

"Come on Y/N, you can't hide from me forever." He said, sitting on the edge of my bed. I rolled over, rolling out of bed. "Yes I can." I replied, rolling under my bed. Justin laughed and crawled to the side of my bed, hanging is head so he was upside down.

Me and Justin hadn't seen eachother since our little fight. It was stupid, he was making fun of me for wanting a real relationship. I hated our on and off thing but he seemed to think it was fine or that I was being childish.

"Go away Justin." I told him in a stern voice. "No, not until we talk this out." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes again and groaned, pushing myself out from underneath my bed. I sat up at glared at him "It's cool, you can leave now."

He shook his head and sat on the floor next to me. "It's not. I'm sorry that I didn't realise this sooner but we need to get our shit together." He stated, putting his hand on mine.

"Justin, I don't wanna just be this on and off thing." I began, looking down "I wanna be yours and I want you to be mine." I confessed. I looked back into his eyes, every cell in my body hurting because I knew he didn't want the same.

He smiled softly "I'm yours, your mine. And that's how I want it to be." Justin's words caught me off guard. I smiled too, blushing a bit. He leaned in to kiss me, holding my jawline. He stopped.

"Have you been drinking?" He asked, pulling away. "You never drink." He added. My eyes widened and I backed away "Just a little, I uh had some friends over." I lied. I had drunk a lot. By myself.

"That's the biggest lie ever." Justin crossed his arms and got up. "And here we go again, arguing." I sighed, laying down onto my back on the floor.

"We're not arguing. Why didn't you tell me I made you so upset?" He scoffed, looking over at me. I shrugged. How would I tell him? It's not easy for me to admit when something is wrong because it makes me feel weak, why couldn't he understand that.

"Shit yeah, I should have told you when I was feeling sad duh. My bad Justin." I answered sarcastically, a big grin on my face. Justin rolled his eyes.

"Now you're trying to argue with me? Unbelievable." He commented, pulling me up from where I layed and crashing his lips onto mine. He kissed me slowly and passionately, I kissed back without hesitation.

Once he broke the kiss, he looked into my eyes "No more drinking, idiot." He chuckled. "Especially not without me."

"You hungry?" He added, getting up and holding out his hand for me. I nodded "Starving." I commented, taking his hand and getting up. He smiled as we both walked down my stairs, to my kitchen.

I liked my kitchen, not only did it have food in it but it was also really pretty. I hadn't left my room in a while so seeing the shiny white countertops again hurt my eyes but I soon got used to it.

"What do you wanna eat?" Justin questioned, looking through my cupboards. I shook my head "Maybe I should cook instead, I don't want my houe burning down." I told him, moving him out of the way.

He furrowed his brows "Fine, can we have some Bacon or something meaty?" He asked me, looking in my fridge-freezer. I nodded "Sure." Replying, I took the bacon out the fridge and set it on the table.

I began to cook, Justin watching from behind my shoulder. He often fot in the way, being his usual annoying and clumsy self. I finished up and put the pan in the sink, the bacon perfectly cooked, separated onto two white plates for us both.

Justin's mouth seemed to drool at the mere sight of the food, the scent of it making him jump around as I bought it into the living room. He jumped onto my sofa and sat down, waiting like a child for me to hand him his food. The sight of him, so happy and pure, was absolutely perfect to me.

As I gave him his food, he smiled, showing off his dimples. I smirked "You have really cute dimples." I complimented, sitting down next to him to eat my food aswell. He smiled widely, showing them off "Thanks Y/N." He spoke with his mouth open, his food on show.

"Ew, Justin! Eat your food." I laughed, closing my eyes. He continued to open his mouth, grossing me out and making me laugh more. I ate my food fast, not realising how hungry I was until I actually sat down and put the food into my dry mouth.

It was great to finally eat something again, and to be here with Justin again. I finished my food in no time, taking my plate and putting it on the tablw infront of us. Justin gave out a loud burp, chuckling to himself afterwardsz

"You're incredibly Gross, Justin Foley." I whispered, putting my head in my hands dramatically. He crossed his arms after putting his plate ontop of mine "I am not." He protested.

I scoffed "You are too!" I stood up, in a confrontational and intimating way. He smirked, pulling me onto his lap. "Come here." He mumbled before kissing me passionately.

He wrapped his hands around my waist as I straddled him, grinding down onto him. I could feel him buck up his hips "You wanna take this to the bedroom?" I giggled.