Monty with Kids 😳

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We pulled up to the birthday party, ready to pick up my youngest sister Riley. We met her outside, her cake in her hand. Monty had stayed silent but smiled as he wasnt very good around kids. As you can already guess. We got into Montys car and he started to drive away. "Was it fun Riley? How old is Kisha now?" I asked my sister who was sat in the backseat. "Yeah it was super fun! And kisha is 7 now! Our birthdays are 2 weeks apart remember!?" She rolled her eyes and i scoffed.

"She's literally you" Monty finally spoke up, thinking he would get a reaction out of me. Well he would get a reaction, but not from me. "She is so not as pretty as me! How could insult me like that Monty!" My sister shouted, crossing her arms and pouting. I laughed again, my hand over my mouth. "Your sister is actually really pretty thank you very fucking much" Monty smirked. I hit him in the chest "Monty! Language!" I reminded him. I turned to my sister. "Dont say that word okay?" She nodded. I glared at Monty.

We got inside and i shut the door behind me, my sister running up to her bedroom. "Monty that was really bad of you to swear infront of my sister! What if she says that to my parents!?" I scolded him, slapping him on the arm multiple times. "Okay okay jesus!" He backed off, holding his arm. I rolled my eyes at him and went to wash my hands to make some food. I felt a pair of hands on my waist and a hug from behind. "You cant stay mad at me though, im waayy to sexy for that" He said, kissing my cheek. I scoffed. "Thats true, but that wont stop me" i stuck my tongue out at him and turned around to face him. He placed his hands either side of me. I kissed him for a couple seconds "happy now?" I asked, rolling my eyes. "Yeah but you know what would make me even more happy?" He continued, smirking at me.

"I think a tea party would make you happy Monty!" I small voice came booming from behind us, making us jump and pull apart. I laughed, while Monty glared at me. "Why dont you two go and start a tea party and I'll join you in a second?" I suggested, smiling devilishly at my boyfriend. He smiled fakely back, being dragged away by my younger sister. I finished preparing vegetables downstairs and headed upstairs to find the two of them. I reached my sisters room and laughed immediately when i saw them. She was trying to braid Montys hair. He was sat in a pink tutu. I wipped my phone out and took a few quick photos.

"Wow Mont i love the new look babe" I told him, sitting next to them. "Its not a new look, its a temporary thing" He faked laughed back, rolling his eyes. My sister stopped. "What do you mean tempowarwy?" Her eyes started to glisen with tears and aher bottom lip wobbled. "Im sorry, please dont cry, ill wear it forever i promise" Monty quickly pulled my sister in for a hug and she hugged him back. I smiled and felt like tearing up at the sight.

About an hour later we had all eaten and we were up in my room watching a film. Well, i was watching Riley use Montgomery as a climbing frame while a movie played in the background. Riley tumbled on my bed, going from Montys shoulders and jumping onto pillows. He didn't seem too bothered to be completely honest. It was eight o clock and Riley meeded to be in bed so i quickly helped her get dressed and ready for bed. "I want Monty to tuck me in" she said sleepily in her cute little voice. He smiled sweetly and bent over to her bed, placing his hand on her cheek. "Good night Riley" He whispered as he pulled the duvet up to her shoulders. Before he could leave she pulled him down for a hug and he hugged back. Once they were done we walked out, me turning off the light as i closed the door.