Jeff Atkins-Good morning

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I rolled myself over, knocking into someone next to me. I looked over to see my boyfriend, sleeping. I stared at him for a second as if i was seeing his face for the first time and memorising every detail. "I know your awake, good morning" He woke with a yawn and slowly batted his eyes sweetly at me. I smiled up at him and immediately pulled him in for a hug. "Good morning" I spoke back, kissing his face all over. "Mmm...hungry?" He asked, smiling down at me. I nodded and he kissed my forehead. He stretched and got out of bed, leaving me wrapped up in the white blankets. "I will be right back baby, you just stay there and get yourself more awake okay?" He stated before walking out the room and down the stairs. I sat up and yawned, stretching my arms up and looking around the room.

I smelt my morning breathe and opend my bedside drawer, taking out some gum and popping into my mouth cheerfully. After a few minutes i heard the creaking of the stairs again and watched my boyfriend come into the room with some toast and strawberrys. "Jeff, you didnt have toooo" I squealed, taking the tray from him. "Only the best for my princess" he replied, playing with a piece of hair that fell out of my messy bun. I kissed his cheek and dug into the toast, devouring it all and moving onto the strawberrys.

"They are your favourite so i thought id put them on there too. Because i love you" He shyly, looked away and i put the tray down. "Come here you softy!" I wrapped my arms around him and tackled him, so he was lying on the bed. "I love you too" i whispered to him, looking into his eyes. I didnt want this perfect morning to end. I want every morning to start like this.

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