chapter 44

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Ashley's POV:

The next morning, I was breastfeeding Lauren and Patrick went to go get me breakfast.

He came in and he said, "She's perfect.."

"Of course she is, she is ours.."

Patrick and I ate breakfast and the nurses came and checked on us. I was getting out later tonight.

Patrick went home to get the carseat in his car.

That night, Patrick and I walked into the house. Our families were staying at Patrick's to give us time with the baby.

Patrick carried the carseat in and he put it on the table and I took our daughter out.

"Wow.. She's actually here.." I said crying

"Welcome to your house.." Patrick said

I went and sat on the couch and fed her and then I took a shower and we put her in the bassinet beside my bed.

I was wearing a pair of Patrick's joggers and a long sleeve shirt of his.

"You've stolen all my clothes.." He said

"Mine don't fit me.. I can't wait to lose all this baby weight.."

I put my hand on my stomach and I hated it. I missed my abs.

"Hey!" Patrick said walking up to me

"You are beautiful no matter what. You grew a baby inside of you and that is a miracle."

"You're so sweet.." I said

It was a long night. Lauren was up every two hours. Patrick slept right next to me and he got up every time with me.

The next morning, I woke up and Lauren was gone. I got out of bed and Patrick was making breakfast and Lauren was in her swing.

"Good, you're up.. I need your boobs.." He said

"What?" I asked

"She's hungry.."

I got her out of her swing and carried her to the couch. I didn't even care. I looked awful, I was exhausted, and I just wanted to sleep.

Patrick came and he said, "I wish I could do more.."

"You don't have the boobs.." I said

Patrick laughed and he fed me bites of an egg he made. Lauren loved being held by me and Patrick. My dad, brother, and little sister all came over to say goodbye.

Patrick's family also left today. Both our moms stayed to help with the baby.

"I know you feel bad, but go shower, get dressed, and take a nap. We have the baby.." Donna said

I showered and fell asleep and I woke up next to Patrick.

We slept for four hours. I opened my eyes and Patrick was right next to me.

I got up and found Donna and my mom watching a movie and Lauren was asleep in Donna's arms.

"How is she?" I asked

"She's fine..." My mom said

My mom was making dinner and Patrick came out and Donna said, "Go away.."

I sat next to Donna and she asked, "Did the whole have sex thing help?"

"Yeah, the baby was born maybe an hour after that.. Auston is pissed.."

"I mean, I get it.. But you were right, that was something for you and Patrick.."

"Please tell me everyone doesn't know about this.."

"Nope, just me.."

Donna was talking about the delivery and things to do with helping recover which is why she didn't want Patrick there.

Our moms stayed overnight with us and in the morning, Donna asked, "Are you guys back together?"

"No.."I said

"Are you serious?" My mom asked

"Yeah, I am actually going out with Olivia tonight." Patrick said

It was all me all night and it was a long night. Our moms left that morning and I was alone with my daughter.

Patrick was back at his place and with his girlfriend.

I had Auston fly in and he was zero help.

Two months flew by and Lauren was getting so big so fast. It was going to be Patrick's day with the Stanley Cup as it was on August 8th and we were flying. It was a mess because we needed to pack so much. Olivia was coming with us too.

We were on the plane and I had the aisle seat with the baby on my lap.

Lauren was really good during takeoff, and she started to cry. I was breastfeeding her with a blanket over me and after, I passed her to Patrick and she slept.

We landed and Donna had dropped Patrick's car off. Patrick got the carseat in, and he loaded all our bags, the portacrib, and everything else in the car. He got in the driver seat and I sat in the back with Lauren.

We got to his Buffalo house and Patrick brought all the baby stuff to the master bedroom.

"You take this room.." Patrick said

He set everything up and Donna had brought food over so we ate.

I got Lauren to bed and I laid in the master bedroom and I looked around. There was a picture of me and Patrick on the nightstand. It was when I was still seventeen. I looked like a baby. Patrick and I had our secret and illegal relationship going.

Now, we had a baby together.. How things can change.

This room brought back so many memories. I got up and Lauren wasn't sleeping. I put her in her carseat and I drove to Patrick's favorite place.

I got her out of the carseat and I carried her over to the bench, there was Patrick.

"Patrick.." I said

He jumped and turned around and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Lauren wasn't falling asleep and I was thinking a lot, so I drove here.." I said sitting next to him

"Why are you here?" I asked

"I had my mom pick me up.. I just miss my grandpa.. He would have loved to meet Lauren." He said crying

I hugged him and I said, "Tomorrow, let's take Lauren to the cemetery so he can meet his granddaughter."

"Tomorrow is the cup day.." He said

"I'm sure your grandpa would love to see the cup and his great-granddaughter." I said

Patrick cried and I held him and our baby..

"I know you miss him, but he'd be so proud of you.. I'm proud of you.." I said

Patrick and I stayed there for a few minutes and he stopped crying and he took Lauren from me and said, "This just feels right.."

"What does?" I asked

"Our little family.." He said putting his arm around me

"What's Olivia think about the baby?" I asked

"She really doesn't care.. She kinda likes to party and go out all the time." He said

Patrick said, "It's late.. We should go back so the bugs don't get Lauren."

He put her in her car seat and I drove back home. I was laying in bed, holding the picture of me and Patrick.

I noticed a piece of paper sticking out the back.

I grabbed it and it was a long letter from Patrick...

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