You've Been Somewhat Spared From Edge x Lancer Smut For Once

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""You have no power over me."

"You sure about that?""

AU where France is still a monarchy

Whit3Heart's hc not mine i jsut like it a lot

Edge growled. "You have no power over me."

Lancer raised his eyebrows.

"I am a Prince of the French Crown. Unhand me at once!" Edge spat.

It was clear that the ginger wasn't quite so pleased with his... unique accommodations.

He was securely bound by rope, confined within a small cell the size of a walk in closet. He glared up at the blond crouched over him.

"Are you sure I'm so powerless over you, You Highness~?" Lance addressed mockingly, slowly massaging the now blushing prince's crotch. Edge bit his lip, squeezing his thighs together and curling up as best he could considering his bindings.

Lance crawled over him, continuing to massage him. Tiny moans were starting to leak out, and Edge blushed harder. He hated that he could be so easily manipulated with just a little bit of teasing touching.

"Think again, Your Highness~"

Edge sighed, implicit submission expressed in a long, filthy moan.

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