This Has Nothing To Do With Navigation

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Okay well fuck the prompt

I gave some of the Lenny bois names, families, and nationalities because felt like it

first we got my bby Dark and he gonna be from Greek family cuz I said so

this is also so I can write a story and give them last names and shit


Strange Dark ➡ Storm "Dark" Chirillo

his parents were like HUH STORM IS A COOL NAME but Dark hates it and goes by Dark

Anti ➡ Antiope Chirillo

I like that Antiope autocorrects to Antelope lol

anyway "Antiope" means something along the lines of "turned eyes" or "against face" and in Greek mythology she was the daughter of Ares and Hippolyte and was the first Amazon to be married

Iris and Orion Chirillo

hc they're Dark and Anti's biological parents and Iris is good mum who dies young and Orion is just v hardworking and depressed after his wife dies

stepmother is the abusive bitch


Senbu ➡ Sen Bunrakuken

hates his surname and mashes name in Western format together to get Senbu

Kouchou ➡ Kou Bunrakuken

her name means happiness but as a child her parents called her Kouchou so she goes by Kouchou also kouchou means butterfly and she's Senbu's sister

Maple ➡ Miyuki Bunrakuken

hates her name and goes by Maple

takes care of her younger siblings because they're parents are dead


Holy Lancer ➡ Lance Hofmeister

I made his family German because of Ni-No-Sakura-Senbu's hc and I fucking love it

Hofmeister means "master of the household" so that's just last name

Patissier Hansel ➡ Hansel Hofmeister

Lancer's younger brother

he vvvv pure and sweet uwu

also rip Lancel twas a good ship but I broke it and wrote a shit ton of Edge x Lance oops I blame Whit3Heart and I've dragged Ni-No-Sakura-Senbu down with me and now this hc name chapter thingamashit exists

Edsel Hofmeister

probably means "father" apparently so this is now Lancer's father's name

Irmalinda Hofmeister

basically means "entirely gentle" which I found sweet so that's his mother's name now

Theresia Hofmeister

means "harvester" and she's Lancer's grandmother, Edsel's mother

she made it very clear she wanted grandkids as you definitely can't tell from his name


White Edge ➡ Edgar "Edge" Winskill

I accidentally ended up making his family Icelandic lol

okay but his name is Edgar because his parents hate him and he goes by Edge

Fairy Dress ➡ Faie Winskill

Faie literally means fairy so she goes by Fairy

Edge's sister, a year younger than him

Holiday ➡ Hollis Winskill

lowkey hates his name

at least none of the kids got Icelandic names though

he just

dislikes his name

he is oldest sibling, four years older than Edge

Janna Winskill

Edge's mother

Janna means "God is gracious"

she taught Edge how to play the piano and was somewhat civil to him as a young child but grew abusive towards him under the influence of her husband as he grew older

Asvaldur Winskill

Edge's father

Asvaldur means "divine power"

he wanted a son and a daughter, and didn't want Edge, seeing him as waste of space and resources

he is abusive towards Edge and blatantly hates him

extremely homophobic, critical of everything Edge does

runs a successful business with Janna, making him extremely rich and influential

usually physically and emotionally abuses Edge

has sexually abused him and illegally sold Edge's body for other people to also sexually abuse him

a s s h o l e


anyways that was my dump of random names and families I gave some Lenny bois so I'm done now

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