Test My Reality, Check If There's A Weak Spot

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"Mankind stumbles upon intelligent life for the first time... not in space, but in the deepest part of our oceans."

"Shikko! We've found something in the fishing nets!"

The leader of the school council ran out to the dock where something was being hauled out of the water, struggling and squirming.

"What is that awful thing?" Shikko growled.

"It appears to speak Japanese, sir," one of the students replied.

Shikko thought for a moment. "Get the loser psychotic freshman. Dark, I believe he calls himself. He can translate."

Soon, a confused and irritable Dark was brought to translate the creatures rapid fire Japanese.

Dark started laughing. "Can't understand much, he's speaking ancient Japanese. From what I can understand, he's telling Shikko to go to hell and to fuck himself with a brick without lubrication. Leave him in the ocean or I think he's gonna murder you. Good day."

The school council just stared after him as he walked away laughing, then at the cussing mermaid they'd found.

They silently let the angry mermaid back into the ocean.

Yes the mermaid was Senbu and he did everything in his power to make Shikko miserable.

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