Janna Is Very Good Mumther UwU

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"Who were you before the war?"

ignored the prompt oops

Lance squeezed Edge's hand as they heard the garage door opening, alerting them that his father was home.

Holding the ginger close, Lance sang softly to him in German, stroking his silky hair. Edge hid his face in Lancer's chest, clinging on to him for dear life.

Lance promised to stay the night, as Janna had given him permission and Asvaldur was in a shittier mood than usual thanks to work.

Edge and Lance kept to themselves until they were called down for dinner. Edge could already hear his father asking about the extra plate, and crept into the dining room, half hiding behind Lance.

"YOU!" Asvaldur growled, and Edge cowered. Pushing roughly past Lance, the enraged man grabbed his son by the neck and slammed him into the wall. Janna started sobbing and the horrified Lance grabbed Asvaldur roughly by the shoulders.

"What do you think you're doing?" he asked in gruff German. Asvaldur couldn't understand, but the furious body language and sharp words were obviously of disapproval.

Asvaldur paled, realizing how much stronger Lance was, as well as being taller. The blond glared at him for minute more, then turned to help his boyfriend to his feet.

Edge hugged him in relief, not giving two damns what Asvaldur thought at that moment. He caught Janna smiling at the couple and flashed her a smile in return.

Asvaldur stormed out of the room to collect himself in the restroom.

In the meantime, Janna took Edge into her arms, examining where Asvaldur had grabbed him. She sighed, shaking her head. "My beautiful baby..."

It hurt her that Edge still looked at her through those same adoring eyes he'd had as a child, despite her weakness to stop her husband. She wanted so badly to save her son. Her first child, Hollis, was so distant from them because he didn't trust Asvaldur and was disappointed in Janna for being so weak to him. He knew she was a good woman, but not strong enough to voice her opinions when they conflicted with her husband's.

She had no hope of getting particularly close to her youngest, Faie, or Fairy, as they called her fondly. The little girl was brainwashed by Asvaldur, and obviously his favorite child. The man loved his oldest son, but Hollis disliked him due to how overbearing he was and how much their ideals clashed.

Faie didn't like anything violent or sexual, and was easily influenced. It was obvious that Asvaldur loved her and she loved him in return without truly understanding what he'd done to their family.

Janna had fought to keep Edge instead of putting him up for adoption like Asvaldur wanted, and blames his abusive behavior towards Edge on herself. She loved her ginger baby boy when he was born, and couldn't bear to part with him.

It shouldn't have been an issue. Had Asvaldur been any other parent, he would've dealt with the different gender and loved the baby all the same.

Instead, he took a particular hatred to the child, and soon after Edge's birth, he knocked up his wife again, pleased to end up with the daughter he wanted this time.

As a result, Edge got neglected a bit as a baby, simply because newborns required so much more attention. It killed Janna inside, but she was terrified of what Asvaldur would do to the helpless child if she asked him to care for him.

Janna wouldn't give up Edge for the world, but often wonders how much better his life would've been if she'd put him up for adoption.

She'd admitted her thoughts to Edge, who knew full well that losing him would break his mother's heart irreparably. He never blamed her for his abuse, because she had done what any normal mother would do, and it was his father to blame.

She couldn't even divorce him because he'd threatened her and her side of the family. He was much more influential than her, and she knew he'd take custody of the children.

Edge would die.

He'd already be dead, had it not been for her intervention. His father often starved him, and she was the one who'd sneak some food for him. She was the one who took care of his wounds, and she was the shoulder he cried on. She was one who ensured him that he was worth more than anything in existence, that she would sacrifice the stars and the moon and the sun in the sky to protect him if she could.

"Mama... don't cry..." Edge begged, wiping away her silent tears. Lance hugged them both in one big hug, which broke Janna into quiet sobs.

She and Edge both wrapped an arm around him, including him in their embrace.

"I hate him so damn much!" she spat through her tears. "Lance, thank you. Thank you for standing up for my son where I'm too damn weak to."

Both boys hugged her tighter.

"I support you guys, with my whole heart. I want you to be happy together."

Edge giggled. "You gave us condoms."

Janna shrugged, smiling. "Which you've never used. I get it. Edge, my son, excuse my language but you are one kinky shit."

Edge burst out laughing, both boys finding that they really couldn't deny this...

She got a mischievous look on her face, and whispered to them her plan.

When Asvaldur returned, they were all sitting around the table quietly. Faie and Hollis had joined, and weren't in on the plan.

Asvaldur glared at his younger son pointedly before starting to serve food to himself, like the total gentleman he is. He then serves Faie, then Hollis, then Janna. He puts an okay amount of food on Lance's plate, then puts next to nothing on Edge's.

Edge doesn't complain, this is normal.

They all begin eating, and Edge is done in no time. Lance also finishes fairly quickly, and they wait politely at the table.

"What do you two fat ass faggots want?" Asvaldur snapped.

"Your son's thicc ass," Lance responded smoothly in his strong accent.

Edge blushed, sliding into Lance's lap. The blond caressed his cheek gently, guiding him into a soft kiss. It didn't matter that Asvaldur was watching in horror, Lancer's lips were so intoxicating.

With a small moan, Edge wrapped his arms around Lance's neck, pulling him closer and kissing him harder.

Lance grabbed his ass, making him moan more. He gave way for Lancer's tongue to dominate his mouth, kissing back desperately.

Asvaldur and Faie watched in horror. Janna was smirking, and Hollis was clearly amused. "Get a room," he muttered, somewhat aware of their intimacy. He didn't know if they'd had sex yet, but he definitely knew they'd done something.

Edge winked at him, then gave an outrageously lewd moan from Lancer's member steadily hardening and grinding against him.

"You filthy fucks! Get out of my sight!" Asvaldur roared, nearly purple in the face with rage.

"Ok boomer" Lance replied in perfect English and rolled his eyes then proceeded to head upstairs where he fucked Edge very roughly and the family was subjected to moans and screams as well as filthy, kinky pleas.

Safe to say Asvaldur kinda died inside that day

that was one of the longest things i've written in a while damn

over 1000 words uwu

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