Now Here We Stand With Their Blood On Our Hands

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"Howling winds."


Context is important.

To those of Edge's mafia, it was patriotic, justified.

To Lance's, it was inhumane madness.

The two stood alone, the sounds of fierce battle raging around them.

Edge grabbed Lance's jaw and slammed their lips together, encouraging a fierce kiss with much groping.

He knew how it looked, and he wanted their mafias to see.

There was no reason for the violence, not when they had love for each other.

The fighting stopped, ever so slowly, to observe the couple of opposing mafias getting into each other, Edge's graceful fingers tangled in Lance's hair, Lance's large hands claiming Edge's ass.

There was no choice but to cease fire.

What were they fighting about again...?

ANOTHER BOOK OF BS INSTEAD OF SLEEPOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz