37. friday, july 2012

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They had gotten the call for the olympics opening ceremony months and months prior but they were all so busy they had pushed it to the back of their minds.

Suddenly they were standing in the middle of the Olympic Park with a man in a headset yelling things at them. Alex, up until now, had managed to convince everyone that he was cool laidback and the guy you wouldn't want your daughter to date. On this stage, he became the boy next door you would trust your kids with once again. He was terrified.

"So, I bet that you look good on the dance floor and then straight into come together lads." The man said. They all yelled out that they agreed

Alex turned around to the band, he looked pale as he put down his guitar.

"I'm gonna be sick." He announced. They had never seen him this nervous before. "Do you see how fucking big this is?" He rested his hands on his knees and breathed deeply.

"Al, calm down mate. We've played big arenas like this before." Matt didn't know whether or not what he was saying was true but he needed to make Alex feel better.

"Okay. That's great guys, thank you." The man in the headset said, noticing Aled hyperventilating. They all waved their hands to him and made their way to Alex.

"Look, mate. It six minutes that you are undoubtedly going to enjoy. The anticipation will kill you but afterwards we can celebrate." Matt put his arm around Alex and yanked him up. Alex's head was dizzy and light so he held onto Helders as best he could.

"I need a drink." He sighed. They all nodded.

"Let's get back to the bus and get you some water." Jamie instructed as they all walked off the stage.

"No. I need a proper drink." He cleared his throat and walked with them. They all eyed each other while making sure he didn't pass out from nerves.

They climbed back onto the bus and Alex went straight to the mini fridge and pulled out a beer.

"Don't get wrecked please, Al. You need to be able to sing." Their manager said, noticing him.

"I'm calling Arielle." He announced, ignoring the request and walking down the tight corridor of the bus.

Back in Sheffield, Luna's had gathered at her boyfriend's family home to watch the opening ceremony together. Her and Adam had been together for a few months now and it was going as well as Luna needed it to be. She hadn't told him about Alex and had no intention of doing so.

"Babe! Get me a beer?" Adam yelled over to her as he sat next to his brother. Luna made her way to his mum's kitchen and opened the fridge to grab a beer.

"It's starting!" A bunch of voices yelled. Luna grabbed herself a beer as well and made her way back into the room.

She sat in the small gap next to Adam, resting her legs across his and wrapping an arm around him. He sipped his beer and gave her a quick kiss on the side of her head as they watched.

There were many skits performed that made the whole room erupt with laughter. Then there was more boring moments that none of them quite understood. The president of the olympics said a long speech that bored the fuck out of them.
Performances were done from classic bands but then the announcer said something that made Luna's heart drop.

"And now, Arctic Monkeys." Luna tensed immediately which Adam noticed. He squeezed her shoulder.

"Big fan?" He chuckled, getting the wrong end of the stick. She shook her head.

"Quite the opposite actually." She sighed. He pulled a face.

"What? It's Sheffield's own! How can you not like them?" He chuckled. She shrugged but refused to say anything else.

They started playing 'I bet you look good on the dance floor' and Adam and his brother started to sing along. Luna felt slightly ill as she watched Alex do his thing in front of sixty thousand people. She couldn't help but notice that his voice wobbled slightly in certain places, he was nervous.

Once they had finished, she expected them to walk off the stage so she could relax. Instead, a bunch of weird blue people on bikes started riding out of the stage below them and Alex started to play his guitar again. They were covering one of Luna's favourite songs 'Come Together'. This time, Alex sounded exceedingly nervous this time.

"That must be terrifying." Adam's brother, Sam, said. "Playing in front of all those people." He added.

"You can hear it in his voice." Luna piped up. "He's scared." She said quietly.

"Banging band though. Top class." Adam complimented. Luna looked down at her lap, not being able to bare it. "You okay?" He noticed her not watching.

"Yeah fine." She kissed him to keep him quiet and finally looked at the tv. Alex was still singing, staring into the camera this time. Luna looked away again, swigging a bottle of beer.

The performance finally finished, releasing some tension for Luna. The rest of the ceremony continued, it was a bit up and down like before but then Luna's phone started ringing and interrupted the whole thing. Adam's family all glared at her as she excused herself.

"Hello?" She said into the phone.

"Luna Temple." Someone laughed through the phone. Her blood went cold. "I just played to sixty thousand people and I'm so high right now I had to call you." Luna didn't know what to say to the low northern voice that rang down the phone.

"Didn't you just get off stage?" She asked, not really sure why. She should've just hung up.

"Like an hour ago! I'm so fucked up right now, Luna! Yeah!" He was yelling like a madman and she could hear other voices in the background doing the same.

"Have fun, Alex. Leave me alone." She said, hanging up abruptly.

"Alex!" Matt called. Alex ran over to him but tripped and skidded across the pavement, his phone went flying out of his hand and down the street. Matt found it hilarious and so did Alex as he pulled himself up and threw himself at Matt's body.

"Ah, your phones fucked mate." Matt was wheeze laughing as Alex hadn't even realised.

"Eh, I'll just buy a new one tomorrow." He picked up the wrecked phone that had been smashed to pieces and shoved it in his pocket. "Let's celebrate!" He yelled loudly in the street.

Sorry it's short. Some chapters I feel need to be short especially the next few otherwise it would just be waffle.

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