4. broom lessons

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In no time at all, DADA had become everyone's favorite class. Even the Slytherins could only complain about how threadbare Lupin looked. In the short time Lyn has been at Hogwarts, she had already made a few friends. She was often seen with the trio or Cedric Diggory. She promised Cedric that he could teach her how to fly, but she kept getting out if it due to her fear. Lyn wasn't terribly scared of heights, but she was scared enough that she would come up with any excuse she could to get out of flying. Cedric was too kind to get upset, so he would just smile and reschedule when she came up with an excuse.

Her classes were interesting. Divination was her least favorite class, as Professor Trelawney would tell Harry about his Death in every single class. Transfiguration was fun, but Lyn would sometimes find Mcgonagall staring at her for seemingly no reason at all. The Care of Magical Creatures was boring, as Hagrid was so worried after Malfoy got hurt that they barely did anything. The class was currently taking care of flobberworms, but the worms barely did anything so the students spent most of their time talking instead of learning. Lyn quickly became one of the best students in most of her classes. Some of the other students would get jealous and upset with Lyn, but she just ignored them.

Typically, DADA was the only class Lyn actually looked forward to. She chose to ignore her godfather's lies for a little bit because she missed not spending time with him, but she always tried to get more information anytime she saw him. It didn't work very well and she didn't know anything more than what she already did, but she kept trying.

She had had a few lessons with Snape, and he always seemed to sneer at her, even if she did nothing wrong. He frequently chastised her for nothing, despite the fact that she was quickly improving. She was brewing potions that even Harry and Ron admitted to having problems with. However, Snape seemed to want to embarrass her more by telling her she was below a first year. His comments typically flew over Lyn's
head, as she knew that he held a grudge against Remus, and most likely transferred it to her as well. Remus told her to just ignore him, but the insults were making her more and more upset.

Today was a Saturday, so Lyn had no classes. Harry asked her to come watch the quidditch team practice and she agreed. She had quickly become fast friends with Harry and he was arguably the person she was closest to, next to Cedric or Hermione. She wasn't that close to Ron, but he was still her friend. Harry and Lyn had immediately clicked, and it wasn't uncommon to see them studying together in the library or common room.

Lyn was barely watching the practice as she daydreamed, so when a voice spoke from behind her, she let out a small shriek and jumped.

"You know, the first time I met you, you said I could teach you how to fly and you keep making excuses to get out of it," Cedric said suddenly, appearing out of nowhere.

"Well...that was a long time ago, and...and I've always had something else to do," Lyn stated after recovering from the shock. Cedric just laughed, knowing that she was lying about having stuff to do. While he didn't want to pressure her into doing something she didn't want to, Cedric knew that she was just had a small fear of heights. Cedric had a fear of heights back in first year, and he knew that it was best to get over the fear, and quick.

"Not that long ago. Look, the Gryffindors are leaving. Take Harry's broom for the afternoon so I can teach you," Cedric reasoned. Lyn huffed but walked down the stands to where Harry was.

"Hey Harry," Lyn greeted.

"Oh, hey Lyn. How were we?" Harry asked, exhausted from the practice. His cheeks were red and his hair was somehow more messed up that usual. As he grinned at her some, Lyn felt her cheeks heat up some.

"I mean... I guess you were good. I've never seen a quidditch match before," Lyn admitted.

"What?! That's crazy!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes wide. Lyn just shrugged her shoulders, her blush deepening.

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