Peter the Wolf and MJ of the Sky People 3

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"I made Skikru the thirteenth clan but Azgadea wants nothing to do with Skikru. Will you honor them as the thirteenth clan?" She asked me.

"They've survived this long, so yes but to give my honest opinion. I really don't care, if they are a clan or not. All I care about is her," I said as I pointed to MJ making her blush. I turned my attention back to Lexa who nodded like she was satisfied with her answer before she turned her attention to Clarke. A couple of hours later, I was playing with MJ's hair while she slept when I heard a soft knock before the door opened.

"Puana was just spotted not to far away from the city," Lexa said softly and I held up a finger making her nod before she silently shut the door. I quickly but quietly dressed before I left.

"How close?" I asked Lexa.

"Just a couple miles shy of the main gates," She said and I nodded.

"I'll handle it but do keep Clarke and healers handy for me. Food and clothes as well," I said and she nodded.

"Tell her she can yell at me when I come back," I said and Lexa nodded her eyes uncharacteristically soft.

"You really care for her don't you?" She asked and I nodded.

"Something about her. Makes me want to stay human and not just the Wolf," I said and Lexa nodded like she knew what I was trying to say before I nodded once more and left. Once at the gate, I took off my clothes and took off running, shifting without a second thought. After a few miles, I slowed down so I could listen to my surroundings. No birds. I thought as I saw them huddled and silent in a tree not to far away. Not even a rabbit. I thought as I saw a burrow not to far away from where I stood I could smell the colony of rabbits huddling together. A few minutes later, I heard Puana and I took off to the northeast. I had to stop when a tree fell down a few feet in front of me. I crouched as I waited for an attack before Puana jumped out and roared at me. I let out a snarl before I started my attack.

My fight with Puana took nearly an hour but I managed to get the upper hand, where I harshly bit into her throat. Puana let out a loud pain-filled roar before she fell silent as I ripped out her throat. I lowered my head some out of respect for Puana for how long she reigned only to realize the ground seemed further away than normal. I pushed it to the back of my head before I tilted my head back and let out a howl for at least a minute before I had to stop as my ribs protested.

At least two are broken for sure. I thought before I started to head back to Polis. It took me a good hour because of my ribs as well as my other injuries. Once I made it to the gate, a guard walked holding some clothes but he looked ready to shit himself. I shifted and forced down the curses that wanted to slip out because of shifting with broken bones. I pulled on the pants before I looked at the guard.

"Call for a healer," I said before I almost fell. He managed to catch me while calling for a healer. He grunted before we half walked, him mostly carrying me to the tower. Once we got to the tower, I was immediately taken to a room where Clarke was.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"Fight with Puana," I grunted out and she looked at me in shock before she nodded.

"I take it you won and she's dead," She said and I nodded.

"Alright, let me find out what's wrong with you," She said.

"I know for sure, a couple of broken ribs that are starting to heal wrong. Your gonna need help to rebreak them to set them in place," I said and she looked at me in shock before it changed into horror.

"I have a healing factor. A very fast one," 

"That's why the fog didn't kill you. You were healing faster than it was killing you but you were in agony," She said softly and I nodded before she ordered someone to send for her mother and to make it quickly.

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