Somebody to love (A Justin Bieber love story)

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I, Sophie Harlander and my family of four live in a big house in Atlanta, Georgia. Me and my older sister Melonie are totally different.

I like purple, Melonie likes red. I liked spaghetti, Melonie likes pizza.
And I love Justin Bieber, Melonie likes Taylor Lautner. So Melonie often taunts me about my Justin Bieber obsession. I don't care.

I know that I will probably never meet Justin but I can dream. Right? I have" I love J.D.B " doodles covering all of my notebooks and binders.

Justin wasn't exactly famous yet but on youtube he was a celebrity. I  knew he would eventually find his path to stardum but didn't know when.
I was sitting on our couch watching E! news when something popped up that made me scream with joy.
The headline read: New celeb discovered!!!!  Everyone say hello to Justin Bieber!!........AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
My wish finally came true. Apparently my scream had startled my parents because they had came running down the stairs with frantic looks on their faces..."Sophie what's wrong?"  my dad asked me.."Nothing is wrong. In fact my whole life now has meaning." I said with my heart fluttering. 

"Oh.Sophie don't do that to us again honey." My mom sounded a little mad but left the next moment.   I now focused my attention back on the TV. 
Usher had seen Justin's videos on youtube and wanted to sponsor him...After meeting several sponsors and managers, Scott "Scooter" Braun had decided to fly Justin out to the states and sign him with def jam records..

*Oh crap commercial......
Now something outside my window caught my attention. We apparently were going to have two new neighbors.
There was a woman with redish brown hair carrying a couple couch cushions inside the house and what appeared to be her son, wearing a purple hoodie,with the hood up, grey skinny jeans, and green supras carrying a large box that read FRAGILE written on the side.  The boy looked to be about 14, same age as me, and I couldn't really tell anything else because just then E! came back on. Boo! the j.b story went off and a story about
Britney's Spears came on. So I went up to my room, fired up my mac, and went to, as usual.

I sat there for a while just watching Justin's videos but I was interrupted my the doorbell. Im usually the one who gets stuck getting the door. So I ran downstairs and opened the door.
And there stood the same woman from next door, with a huge smile on her face.    

"Hi". I said politely.    "

Hi. Im Pattie. Pattie Mallette.Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Im Sophie Harlander. Would you like to come in?" 

"Oh no thank you. I was just wondering if you and your family would like to come have dinner with my son and I tonight."   

"Ummmmm......sure. Sounds good. I'll just tell my parents and we'll be over at? What time exactly?"             


 "Okay thanks Pattie. See you soon."        "

Bye Sophie. See you later."  

I watched her walk down the front drive and then closed the door quietly.
  Then I went upstairs and told mom about the dinner plans I had arranged for us later tonight. And suprisingly she agreed to go.  It was already about 4 so we all had to get ready. So I ran up to my room, picked out a pair of cacki capris, a red v-neck top, and red wedges.

Then I fixed my light blonde hair into a loose ponytail and did my makeup. We still had about 20 minutes left before we had to leave, so I sat on my bed and thought about how tonight would go.
I was actually excited because I would get to see the inside of the house next door and I would get to see what Pattie's son looked like.

But then something interrupted my thoughts. It was the sound of a guitar and an oddly familar voice singing. I stepped over to my open window to see if it would amplify the sound at all. I listened very closely and heard:

"When I met 'ya girl, my heart went knock knock. Now them butterflies in my stomach won't stop stop. Even though it's a struggle, Love is all we got. So we gonna keep keep climbing to the mountain top".   It sounded like nothing else I had ever heard before and something I would love to hear alot more of.  Just then mom yelled "Sophie, time to go!". So I grabbed my purse and ran down stairs and out the door.

I gladly led the way to Pattie's front door and rang the door bell. A split second later, Pattie appeared holding the door open and her hand held out to welcome us all inside.  "Nice to see you again Sophie" she said as I walked by her.  "You too", I say with a bright smile on my face. None of us knew where to go, so we waiting in the front hallway for Pattie to guide us to our destination. "Right this way" she said motioning us to follow her.

We walked straight down the long hallway and into a huge dining room. The six-seat table was neatly set with a white table cloth and really nice china layed out on the table.
"Go ahead and be seated where ever you want." Pattie said, "I'll be back with our food in just a few minutes."

And with that she disappeared somewhere into this enormous house. As I sat down in the seat next to the head of the table, I stopped and wondered how they unpacked and set up everything in just a few hours. Oh well..Just then Pattie walked in with a huge bowl of spaghetti and yelled "Justin....Dinner!!!!!". 

Pattie sat down the food and down came the stairs came the same guy that I saw earlier and I heard singing outside my window except for this time, he was wearing a white and grey striped pullover, green jacket , and purple vans. Yet again he had his hood up so I still could not see his face. He sat at the head of the table beside of me.

"Justin, hood off at the table", warned Pattie. Then I hear a sigh and then he says "Ok. Fine mom."   And then I see him slowly take off his hood, reveiling the most gorgeous head of dark blonde hair and then I see him roll his deep brown eyes. After his hood fell to his shoulders, he gave his hair a graceful flip and then looked at all of us and said "Let's eat." 

Oh my gosh. Could it be?  Am I dreaming?   No. It couldn't be him. Could it?

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