Chapter thirty five

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Around 11:20pm hazel went outside where cal was and had been for a long time. He had stayed out there during the remainder of the party just thinking and clearing his head.


"Once upon a time they were my friends..." Calum sighed as hazel sat down next to him.

"They still are."

"They're not."

She sighed. "They might not be your friends but they helped with the kids and made things easier for me. Maybe you don't like them but I need them around."

Cal thought for a second. "You wouldn't need them around if I was here."

"You haven't always been here."

"Are you gonna kick me out again?"

"No! of course i'm not! Now, come inside, it's freezing." She held out her hand which Calum took.

"I have a doctors appointment tomorrow...just by the way..."

"Yeah okay."

They went inside and said goodnight to the kids and then to their room

The next morning really early hazel woke up and shook Calum awake.

"Baby I have to go, Crystal is going into labor!"

Cal sat up. "She was pregnant?" Hazel nodded.

"You wanna come? We can get the kids up?"

"No...I'll stay here with them. They can come with me when I see the doctor." Hazel nodded and got dressed and Calum grabbed his phone and checked his socials.

Hazel left and somewhere around 6am Calum got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast and soon he was joined by issac and his messy bed hair.

"Morning daddy..." he rubbed his eyes and sniffed the air, smelling the French toast cal had made.

"Morning bud, I made breakfast."

"Fanks." Issac sat down at the table and yawned. They ate and cal explained to issac that crystal was having her baby.

"We'll go see them after my doctor appointment."

"Why got have to go to the doctor?"

"I just gotta get some medicine."

"Mecadine for what?"

"Uh.." cal froze for a second and then answered. "To have fun with mommy."

"You do you need mecadine to have fun with mommy?"

"Just do." Cal shrugged

issac nodded "mama needs to get my blue things."

"Your what?" Calum chuckled

He went over to his jacket and handed cal an inhaler for his asthma "these dad"

"Right. I'll text mommy about it and we'll go pick em up."

Issac nodded and put it back in his pocket. "mama needs her medikin too" Calum nodded. Soon the little babies started waking up and whining in their beds and as soon as Calum cleaned up he went to get them ready so they could all go to his appointment.

"Issac will you get yourself dressed while I dress the twins?!" Cal called from the twins room


Cal dressed the babies up and grabbed all their stuff and soon they were nearly out the door but just then hazel walked in the door and all three kids attacked her in hugs and kisses.

"Hazel! Thank god!"

"Thank god?" She chuckled. "They're not that bad."

"No but we were about to drive to the doctors."

"Drive? It's only a five minute walk." She chuckled and got the stroller for the twins

"To the doctors?" He watched her put the twins inside the stroller. She nodded. "Oh okay."

They walked to the doctors while hazel pushed the twins and Issac stopped to pick up every single rock that they came across. When they got inside the waiting room they sat down and hazel asked.

"What're you here for anyway?"

"New meds."

"For what?"

"Headaches..." Calum lied. Haze nodded and when the doctor called Calum she stood up too. "You stay here with the kids?"

"We can all come. There's toys back there for the kids." She turned and followed the doctor. Cal swallowed and followed.

The doctor came in the room they were in after a few minutes. He looked at cal. "mr hood, what are you here for again? Then he opened up calums file.

"It should say in my file..."

"He's here for headaches." Said hazel.

"Nothing here about headaches." Said the doctor. Cal shifted uncomfortably

hazel looked at cal and sighed. "why are we really here?"

"I...I need pills...."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "For what?"

"for us..."

"Ah! Erection pills!" The doctor closed the file. Calum put his hands over his face in embarrassment.

hazel gulped "oh yeah..." she got up. "we'll be outside" then she walked out with the kids.

"i'm going to run some tests" the doctor talked with cal. "to be honest i'm surprised you even need these."

"Me too....can we skip the small talk?"

The doctor nodded and then ran some tests. After twenty minutes of tests it was confirmed that Calum didn't actually need the pills and he stormed out of the office.

Hazel told him she wasn't gonna put up with him being angry and she left him sitting on a bench in front of the doctors office while she took the kids home. He sat there for a while thinking about shit and then decided to head back home.

"Go away!" Issac yelled after Calum went inside. Cal sighed.

"Really? Don't do this again."

"Cal..." hazel walked over.

"You leave to much!" Issac yelled.

"I'm sorry."

"You always say sorry."

"And I always mean it!"

"Don't yell at him!" Hazel interrupted. Cal sighed and hazel took all three kids and started to walk up the stairs. She went into her room and Calum sat on the couch and sighed.

After a few minutes issac came down the stairs. "Mamas crying..."

"Is she okay?" Issac sat on the couch next to Calum.

"Go see her." He nodded and walked upstairs where hazel was laying on the bed crying.

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