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Watch as Zerefs life, once horrid, turns into an emotional rollercoaster.

"Thank you.... Thank you"

" Come on Imouto! SMILE!"

" Who the heck are you?"

" I'm Sorry"

" D-don't let... h-him see y-y-you. Please"


"I'll Be your friend, BELEIVE IT"

"You look weird"

"I hate snakes"

" is my life, meant to forever be shrouded in darkness."


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"Hn. I'm not Alone. You were never my first priority. Protecting Zeref, my true brother was" - Sasuke

" Surrounded by darkness? You protected me, So I'll drag you out of the darkness, BELIVE IT!" - Naruto

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" Surrounded by darkness? You protected me, So I'll drag you out of the darkness, BELIVE IT!" - Naruto

" Surrounded by darkness? You protected me, So I'll drag you out of the darkness, BELIVE IT!" - Naruto

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" Without you I would be dead. You've saved me more times than I can count, yet you say your a curse. No your a blessing." - Hinata

" you have great power, and a brilliant mind

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" you have great power, and a brilliant mind. But if you become blinded by your rage and self pity, you are no better than the ones you despise" - Kakashi

 But if you become blinded by your rage and self pity, you are no better than the ones you despise" - Kakashi

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" Regret? No. I kept you safe. His final wish was fulfilled." - Itachi

" - Itachi

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" Imouto. I didn't gain my power all through hard core training. That's not what it's about. I gained it through training with a purpose, protecting you, and I in no way regret it." - Shisui

" Its easy to be someone else's light

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" Its easy to be someone else's light. But to pull your self out of the darkness, like the one that surrounds my heart. That is impossible." - Zeref


"This curse. Even with a fresh start things around me die. No wonder my clan is dead."

Tears fall from his face. He sits on the side of their favourite river. The remains of his family staring him in the face.

" why?... Please. Which ever god, or higher being is out there... Why?.... WHy?.... WHY!?......"

More tears fall. The cold empty sockets where his eyes are supposed to be stare back at him, almost mockingly.

" ANSWER ME!!!!!"

A Huge shockwave of his purple aura ripples off in the surrounding area. Everything once full of life now drained.

At the lone age of 7 his Sharingan turned into a Mangekyou.

" everything around me is going to die sooner or later"

Analysing the body of the idiot, he came to accept as his brother.

" this is my doing. Forgive me. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!"

Shouting his pain to the heavens he Finally sleep take over, using what little strength he had left, before the ANBU came to grab him, he held onto his Aniki's ice cold, soaking wet hand.

Please read!!!!

Yo. Author here.

Ok guys this story is a tester of a new writing style I'm trying out so feed back is apreceated.

Also, my other Naruto story, The Hogo Sha is currently on hold for a while as for some stupid reason I'm suffering from writers block for that story.

As an apology parts of this book, if you like it, AND MABY another book will be coming out.

The next chapter will be out soon, either today or tomorrow.

Sorry guys. Hope you can forgive me and enjoy this book.

Also yes this is a Zeref x Hinata book. Don't question it, it's just that every other girl is taken and because I can.

If you want Zeref to end up with anyone else let me know soon and I might change it.


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