chapter 4

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its been three weeks since jax got back from tacoma. after two short nights he got used to falling asleep next to maddie. he has never been so attached to someone so quick. they talked as much as they could, even video chat when he was alone. he made sure he would send her pictures and updates about abel even though they would normally video for a while when he would visit him. she planned on coming to charming the next weekend. he couldnt wait to see her again, talking wasnt enough for him.

"little man daddy has a friend youre going to meet real soon. mads just loves you so much i know youll love her." he told abel one day when he was sitting with him. no idea that tara over heard. tara decided to come back later. she knew there had to have been a reason he had been distant and not talked to her. she wasnt going to give up though, jax was hers.

she decided to calm down before she went back to talk to jax. she walked into the room to hear him on the phone "i miss you too babe but ill see you soon." he looked up once she walked around him "hey babe let me call you back the doctor just came in." he waited for a reply before he hung up.

he looked at her "hey how is he? hes been doing better right."

she noticed he didnt really look at her like he normally would "yeah hes been great. his vitals have been stable, he didnt have a sleep spell last night so were just going monitor him a few more nights. hes eating alot better. hopefully hell come out of the incubator in a few days."

jax looked shocked but happy "no shit. you hear that abel your busting out of the toaster! then we just have to bust you of here to go home." jax said beaming down at his son. the first thing he thought of was telling maddie. he hoped he actually got out of the toaster before she came down to charming, he would love to see her holding his son.

"so who is going to take care of him once he goes home? i mean what about when you have a run or something?" tara asked him trying to dig for information. if she could figure  anout this woman he was talking to she could put a stop to it.

"we got it handled." he told her annoyed with her tone

"so gemmas going to raise him while you have club shit and do what you want."

"as long as hes taken care of and healthy nothing else is your concern tara. ive got it handled. me and abel have plenty of people to help us out when we need it. thank you for the concern." jax looked down at his son "ill see you later little man" he said caressing abels cheek. "see ya doc. call of theres any updates or something wrong with him." jax told her before he walked out of the room.

maddie knew who the doctor was that came in abels room. she knew she could trust jax atleast she hoped she could. she knew they had history from years ago and he told her about the more recent stuff but swore nothing had happened since he met her. she had no reason to not believe him. she still waited anxiously for him to call her back, she hoped tara told him good news about abel.

maddie decided to go for a run instead of waiting around. it had been a couple hours since she talked to jax. even if he had club business come up her normally texted her if he could. she never took her phone on her runs so she wouldnt be distracted. she had a ring that doubled as a weapon she would wear and had her ipod she still listened to.

jax decided to go for a ride after he left the hospital. what tara asked really bothered him. he figured hed have the club, his mom, and maddie to help with abel. but as he rode he realized maddie may only be there a couple weekends of the month, and until abel was a few months older they wouldnt be able to drive his truck all the way to tacoma. in the pit of his stomach he felt like maybe they wouldnt work out, no matter how they felt about each other. before he could react or stop someone drove into his lane he swerved and ran off the road to avoid being hit head on. he was knocked unconsious. when he woke up some woman was standing above him on the phone he assumed with 911. he pulled his phone out to call the only person he needed right now, maddie. she didnt answer twice. the way he kept losing consciousness he knew something wasnt right and he needed to talk to her before anything happened. he kept calling. he texted her "babe" called again. "please answer i need to talk" "mad im fucked up" he called again but she didnt answer.

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