chapter 33

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jax pulled into the parking lot with opie, happy and kozik. he had never been more scared to see maddie. their ride to arizona was long and tiring. after not sleeping and riding he wasnt sure how much longer he could be awake. hell he wasnt sure of anything except that he was fucked. they parked on the side of the bar.

"this is it." kosik questioned

"it's the address she left at home." jax shrugged.

they walked in the bar to see some woman behind the bar "were not open." she said looking up

"we are here to talk to maddie."

"not sure who that is."

"the hell do you mean! my old lady better fucking be here."

"oh! sorry I'm not just going to tell some random people where maddie is. shes in the office I think."

jax was annoyed already. he understood and was actually glad she didnt tell them immediately, like she was trying to protect maddie. they followed her down a hallway. as she went to knock on a door they could hear a couple moans.

jax grabbed the handle to open the door but it was locked. "oh shit" someone tried to whisper but said it pretty loud. jax was about to kick the door in when it swung open. colt was standing there with a shocked looked on his face. "what the fuck" jax said as he went to grab him. "woah! stop!!" joy yelled jumping in between them!

jax let out a breathe he was holding. it wasnt maddie. his mads.

"wheres maddie"

"said she needed some air. walked to get us coffee."

jax huffed he just needed to see maddie. she would make everything better, he would atleast have a moment of peace with her in his arms. that was before everything goes to shit. he stopped by the bathroom while everyone went up front to wait for her.

maddie carried the travel container with all four coffees in it as she opened the main door to the bar. she had no idea the guys were there since their bikes were in the other side of the building.

she looked up to see her dad, koz, and opie sitting at the bar, something had to be wrong. the way they looked at her confirmed that she was right something is wrong. her mind went to one if the worst things ever, he was gone.

dropping the coffees and going pale she let out a soft "no" as she shook her head as tears streamed down her face. she couldnt breathe, her hand went to her chest as she tried to get some air.

"shit." happy said rushing to her. "maddie breathe baby."

she looked up at him terrified of what he would say next. she seen jax walk out from the hall and she gasped and took a deep breathe before she ran into his arms. jax wasnt sure what was going on as she ran at him. happy got everyone out of the bar so they could talk.

maddie cried for a minute before she calmed down. "sorry. shit. I seen them sitting there and could tell by their faces something was wrong. I didnt even see the bikes outside. I thought you were gone." she said her lips trembling as she said the last part.

"babe I'm right here. I was in the bathroom, didn't mean to scare you. I'm sorry."

"I'm just happy you're okay. why are yall here? everyone okay?"

"let's take a shot" jax made a move towards the bar but maddie didnt move.

"just tell me." she figured they got in some trouble or someone got killed.

jax grabbed her face and kissed her. he needed it, everything that happened over the past couple days broke him down. all he needed was his old lady, his maddie. he knew her being in his arms would make him feel better, he could almost forget everything that's happened. almost.

"what is it jax? is abel okay!?" she asked breaking the kiss.

jax tensed when she asked about abel. "hes gone I'm going-"

maddie pushed off of him "WHO?!" she yelled crying. she knew the answer abel was gone.

"babe I'm sorry. Cameron took abel."

"no. you're lying." she whispered out "please jackson tell me you're lying."

jax pulled her into his arms even though she tried to stop him "NO! WHY?! MY BABY. our son. jax. we have to find him. tell me yall are looking for him. I'll kill that son of a bitch!! no one touches my baby. hes probably so scared and cold, probably thinks we abandoned him. oh god jax what about his meds! he needs his medicine for his heart jax."

maddie actually let jax wrap his arms around her as she broke down worried about abel. jax cried along with her.

after a few minutes maddie pulled back "okay. so we have to get him back. and once hes in our arms I'm going to kill that man. he will regret touching our baby. what do you know?"

"stahl killed cameroms son Edmund and zobelles daughter. she framed gemma. he took abel to get back at me. he went to the house looking for you said he was going to kill an old lady until he heard abel said a son for a son. he put halfsac in the hospital and knocked tara out."

maddie jerked her head and scowled at him. why the fuck was tara there? "I'll kill that ATF bitch too. is the kid going to be okay?"

"yeah he got stabbed in the stomach. had to have surgery but he will be okay."

"when the hell did this happen!"



"I know babe. I'm sorry. we hunted him down tried to get abel. but he took off on a boat. I didnt want to tell you over the phone. once I knew I had no chance of getting him back before Cameron got to far we got ready to leave charming."

"TWO DAYS JACKSON!" maddie grabbed a bottle of Jim bean and took a drink. "two mother fucking days!"

"I know I'm sorry. I'm going to get him back I wont rest until I do."

"damn right WE will get him back. when was the last time you slept?." she asked him as she caressed his cheek. she could tell he was running on empty.

"honestly I havent slept good since the night before you left. I've only slept a couple hours since he took abel. I done my best to get him back maddie and he got away. I was so close if only i would have been a couple minutes earlier. I was right there mads and I couldnt save him." jax broke down for the first time since he did as he watched the boat leave with his son on it.

it was maddies turn to hold him for a while, she cried along with him. but he was strong for her when she needed it and she knew now it was her turn to be strong for him.

"itll be okay jax. we will find him and bring him home. this is not your fault so stop. it's that bastards fault and the stupid fucking doctor. she should have fucking saved him hell half-sac tried to and got put in the fucking hosptial. probably saved her fucking self before even thinking of saving our son." maddie got quiet "sorry I'm not helping I'll drop it for now. but really this isnt you're fault, you didnt fail him. you're still the best father. now let me grab my stuff and we will go back."

"I wish you could ride with me but I know killer needs a ride home. where is he?"

"at toni's" jax raised his eyebrow "the bartender." jax nodded.

"okay I know I said I'll drop it but I need to know why tara was at the house."

jax was hoping she would wait until they got to charming to ask. atleast in charming he has more of a chance of getting her to stay.

"I love you maddie."

"I love you jax. now talk. because I swear to god if its what I'm thinking I will help get Abel back but-"

"I didnt sleep with her if thats what you're thinking.. she said she needed to talk to me."

"you better not be lying to me. what did yall talk about."

jax was quiet and wouldnt look at her. "jackson what did she say?"

"taras pregnant." 

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