chapter 7

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they released jax the next day he wasnt to happy that maddie told him she was going to drive to the clubhouse instead of him driving her truck. she was nervous to go to the clubhouse and be in his domain.

when they walked in everyone there cheered. they quickly had shots poured. "drink with me babe if we need to we can crash here." he said walking over towards the bar. everyone took a shot together, then kept drinking. any reason for a party right. jax didnt let maddie leave his side, he kept his hand on her hip. he didnt want to lose any time he had with her. they were sitting outside watching tig and halfsac in the ring "i need to use the bathroom" maddie told him "ill take you to my dorm. the other bathrooms get nasty" he told her before leading her into the clubhouse. maddie didnt miss the dirtt looks she got from the girls around the clubhouse it didnt take her long to realize they basically slept with whatever guy would pay them attention. it seemed they would go for any guy with a kutte but if there wasnt any left they went for the regular guys who were around. them looking at her like that made her realize they were mad she was with jax, and since he kept her with him all night they hadnt had a chance to make a move on him. she didnt like it at all but who was she to say anything unless they tried something she figured itd be best to ignore them. but then again if one of them made a move on jax and he went with it she wouldnt waste her time fighting. her mom always told her "dont try to control a man. he will do what he wants, and be where he wants. there will be nothing you can do to make him stay if that isnt what wants. his attention and actions will be towards what really matters to him." granted it probably wasnt the best thing to tell a six year old especially when her father just left her mom. her mom never let her forget them words of wisdom she repeated them when she dated her forst douchebag in high school, when she had the first guy ghost her and when she dealt with her first cheater. now she kind followed the wise words of her mom even if she is a little crazy.

"babe" she heard jax breaking her out of her thoughts "sorry just thinking." "you okay" "yeah im good. ill be back in a minute." she went into the bathroom and tried to clear her mind. she grabbed a washcloth and cleaned herself up after using the bathroom. she knew with jax there was a chance of anything happening anywhere, and she wanted the be clean just incase.

she walked back out and jax was sitting on the bed he smiled at her when he seen her. she walked over towards him, he grabbed her hand "do you know how beautiful you look right now" "i look regular. and youre drunk." "baby sober drunk or high youre the most beautiful woman ive ever laid my eyes on." he said kissing her hand "im not sure what you mean by regular you look amazing, you are amazing." "jax have you seen those women out there ready to throw theirselves at you" "doesnt matter babe. youre the only one i see. the only one i want. i am all yours." he kissed her "no one else makes me this hard without even touching me. just looking at you makes me want you." jax moved her hand to touch him through his pants "let me show you how much you mean to me, how truly beautiful you are." "with everyone right out there?!" "maddie i promise no one is worried about what we are doing in here. the music is loud and i doubt anyone will hear."

maddie sat down in his lap and kissed him. he moved them so she was laying down before he leaned up to remove his kutte and shirt. maddie looked over his sculptured body jax could see the hunger in her eyes. as he moved back over her she ran her fingers over his shoulders, chest muscles, his abs and his waistline running them along his hips that made the V going into his pants. jax couldnt help but shiver at her light touch all over him. jax kissed her before he undone her pants, he pulled her shirt over her head, unhooked her bra and slowly pulled it off her arms, he moved back and pulled her pants and underwear off in one motion. he look at her slow from her toes to her face licking his lips "god you are so sexy baby, so beautiful. i cant get enough of you. how youre mine i have no idea cause youre out of my league. these long beautiful legs that i love any day but especially when you have them wrapped around me" he said running his hands slowly up them "your hips arent just bones i love that theres a little for me to hold on to. you have this figure thats just perfect to me maddie. these breasts are amazing i love to get a handful but theres still more and man are they good pillows. your plump lips are always so soft and they look fucking amazing wrapped around my dick but i just love to kiss you i can never get enough. your hands are so soft and strangely cool its like when i hold your hand youre meant to cool me down and be my calmness in my crazy life. your arms are my favorite thing to have wrapped around me either hugging you or you riding on the back of my bike. i feel at home, at peace when youre in my arms. and your eyes theyre beautiful they draw me in, i can see my future in them. i always try to read you by looking at your eyes they tell me everything i need to know, i look into them and even for just a minute everything is right in this world. maddie i love everything about you please dont ever forget that. everytime you touch me my whole body is set on fire, you awake something in me that ive never felt. now this pussy is a gift from god himself. it would be amazing to be in you all day. ive missed the hell out of you, i got used to sleeping and waking up next to you but ive missed your pussy to. i swear you, ALL of you was made for me." jax told her looking into her eyes, his hands softly and lovingly tracing over her body as he spoke. maddie had never had anyone speak of her like that and she fully believed him because she felt the same way.

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