chapter 18

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everyone was getting ready to go to charming. maddie had everything packed up in her truck, even took the guys bags who didnt need them on the bikes. they were going to stop by maddies house to get more clothes and things for killer. tig had killer on a leash walking him when a few cops pulled in.

they lined everyone up before questioning everyone of their where abouts the night before. one was being a real ass. maddie stood between happy and kozik.

the cop looked at maddie "didnt i see you leaving the abortion clinic last month or so?"

maddie didnt answer him she wasnt going to answer anything she didnt need to. "what happened. another biker slut not know which one was the daddy?" maddie eyes snapped.

before any of them knew it maddie was swinging on the cop. she didnt need to catch him off gaurd she just beat the hell out of him. happy went to try and grab her but was stopped. "MADDIE!" happy yelled trying to get her to stop. he fought against the cops holding him to get to his daughter they threw him on the ground. kozik, opie and jax were thrown down right next to him.

it took three cops to get maddie off the one. they watched helplessly as the cuffed maddie and walked her to the car.

who they guessed was the one in charge picked the asshole of the ground "i dont know what that was but dont ever let me see it again. you goaded her, i dont blame her one bit. dont ever let me hear about you saying some thing like that again! it doesnt matter what you seen, what you think or what you know. you NEVER do that and never disrespect a woman. you are on the job. ill have your badge next time you pull that. get out of here, go to the hospital she got you good. youre done for the day."

he let the guys up "im assuming shes your kid?" he asked happy who glared and barely nodded "im sorry about that. i dont blame her one bit. there won't be any charges filed, i believe she had a right to defend herself. what he said was way out of line whether its true or not. granted it wouldnt be a good thing if she kept knocking cops around. you can come pick her up in a few hours ill have to keep her in a holding cell till shes calmed down."

maddie knew she was fucked. she lost it when he called her a biker slut. it sent her back to that day, she just blacked out. if it wasnt for those racist fucks calling her a biker slut it wouldnt have bothered her.

happy wasnt focused on anyone else he got on his bike and took off to the police station. kozik wanted to know why jax and opie were tossed to the ground to. lee called church before he could ask.

betty sat at the bar waiting for them to get done with church. she felt so bad for maddie she'd only known the young woman a couple of months but she knew what she had been through. she wanted to go talk to her and try to help but she knew she couldn't without someone finding out and she didnt want to push maddie into telling anyone when she obviously wasnt ready. she just hoped it would all be okay.

happy pulled into the police station. he was pissed and ready to kill the cop. he needed to see maddie to make sure she was okay. luckily they let him back without much arguing which shocked him some.

he stood in front if her cell door and and looked at his little girl. he knew there was more going on but she wouldnt tell him. "madelyn what the hell was that"

maddie looked up at him "i dont know. i didnt like what he was implying about the clinic. and just because i was there with yall im automatically a biker slut."

"people are gonna talk shit mads. ignore them. you good in here?"

"not the first time ive been arrested daddy. im good."

"the hell. well talk about it later." he grumbled before going back outside.

happy got outside to see his brothers parked by his bike. all of samcro, and kozik. hed noticed how samcro took a liking to his kid which kind of shocked him they were normally weary of "outsiders". happy sat on his bike. "she alright" kozik asked "sure. said its not the first time shes been arrested. you know anything about that?" "no. she doesnt have a record. maybe the charges were dropped."

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