chapter 25

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the next morning clay called everyone to the table. jax sat to his side with his redwood and VP patch sewn back on. the guys noticed as the stepped in to take their seats. kozik was visiting and walked in behind happy.

once everyone was seated bobby leaned over "guess this has to do with why those patches are back on your kutte?" "yeah. im not going nomad." jax told them "thas good news jackie boy." chubs said nodding. "just listen up" jax said sadly

"the night of bobbies party gemma never drive into no barricade. she was jumped on 18. took her to a ultility house three of zobelles crew they gave her a message to deliver, stop selling guns." he paused jax looked at him "they raped her." clay barely whispered. everyone was shocked around the table. "one of them was weston." clay told them "what do we do" opie rasped "we get bloody! then we chop their god damn heads off!" chubs yelled several agrreing around the table. "no" clay said. everyone got quiet. "weve never seen an assault like this. as much as i would like to cut their hearts out, show of force just puts us back in jail. we gotta do what theyve been doing, you know find a weakness. unravel them." jax said "and until then nobody reacts, you see zobelle, you see weston, you see any of the crew you swallow the urge to kill them and you walk on. understood." clay told them.

they talked about needing guns then decided everyone would bring in everything the had in their personal stock.

maddie sat with gemma who had abel in her lap while the guys were in church they knew clay and jax was informing the rest about her assault. maddie still blamed herself.

the guys slowly walked out of the chapel each coming to hug gemma and tell her they was sorry. maddie could see the pity and sorrow in each of their eyes. she knew they all loved gemma and felt sorry she was assaulted. that made her realize she chose the right thing in not telling them. she didnt want those same looks. all it would do was hurt her family, for what? they would already be getting revenge for gemma so adding maddies assault to it wouldn't make a difference.

the guys all started drinking. "i think ill pick up some steaks. feed them good tonight." gemma told her "yeah. ill go with you. help get everything." she knew gemma wasnt trying to throw a party but needed to be busy and do something to try and get their minds off it all.

maddie left abel with jax and told him what they were doing. kozik and juice escorted them to the store and back. they got everything they needed for a full meal for everyone which was alot of food. they even stopped at the liqour store and got extra alcohol knowing it would be needed. this wasnt a party so it was just family. only the croweaters gemma, and maddie approved of. since abel was going to be there gemma made sure the girls knew not to get crazy.

gemma and maddie were in the kitchen preparing the food. they marinated the meats, fixed all the sides and talked while they worked. once all the main foods were done maddie started on a few quick and easy but delicious deserts.

bobby and tig grilled the meat while the girls got everything else ready inside. no one knew besides the club and maddie why they were there and having a dinner the croweaters didnt need to know.

jax sat on a couch watching as maddie and gemma worked together. he was glad they had each other. happy sat down next to him and looked down at his beer for a minute before he looked over at him. "i wish my kid would have stayed away from you" jax was was about to argue "but i get it. i see how she looks at you, never seen her that happy. but i swear on everything if you hurt her again i wont hesitate to kill you. ill gladly meet mr. mayhem to keep my daughter safe." "im not going to hurt her again. ill do my best not to let anyone else hurt her because of me. i would give my life to save her. i know i wouldnt survive without her. id rather die than lose her again or have anything happen to her. i love maddie hap. i love her as much as i do our son, as much as i love this kutte. but honestly if i needed to give up my patch to keep her safe i would no question about it."

happy nodded "i can see that shit. she wouldnt ask you to give it up though. she loves this club as much as you do and understands how much it means to you."

"i know she wouldnt. i didnt mean it that she would. but if it come down to her safety and our sons id walk away. itd be hard but theres nothing else as important as she is. i mean it when i say i love her."

maddie noticed her dad and jax talking and watched. "its okay baby. i dont think theyll be throwing fists anytime soon, atleast not with each other." gemma told her maddie just nodded.

"well get those fucks for doing this to gem. they wont live very long." happy rasped jax nodded "no they wont."

tig and bobby walked in with platters full of meat a couple girls behind them with some to. happy and jax stood hugged real quick before they went to get food.

maddie sat next to jax with abels high chair next to her he either had his arm wrapped around her shoulders or his hand resting on her thigh.

everyone talked and had a good time with each other. as good of a time they could.

maddie looked around and smiled. she was thankful for this crazy family she had all because jax hit on her in the bar that night. she knew shit was going to get dark and it would be hard she just hoped everyone would be okay.

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