chapter 35

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maddie whipped her truck into the parking lot after dropping killer of at opies house since they werent allowed to be home yet. she quickly got out and moved towards the hospital ignoring jax and everyone else with them.

she followed happy off the elevator and down the hall. just like in Arizona she wasnt ready to be around jax yet, or anyone for that matter. she wasnt sure how she would act, she didn't trust herself to not lose it and kick everyones ass. she was angry, sad, confused and scared. angry that abel was gone, angry that bitch tara let him go, sad for her baby and even jax, confused on how to react and fix it all. lastly she was scared, terrified of never seeing abel again.

jax grabbed her hand stopping her before they walked around a corner, knowing everyone would be there, he needed a minute with her. happy and kozik stopped for a second but kept going after realizing things were okay.

"talk to me, please."

shaking her head "I dont know jax. I'm mad, scared, hurt and confused. I just want Abel back. I need to know that he is okay."

jax pulled her to him putting one hand on the back her head leaning in to kiss the side of it "I know. I'm so fucking sorry baby. I swear I will bring our son back if it's the last thing I do." he whispered in her ear "dont push me away mads. I need you."

she sighed and reminded herself that jax was in pain too. she tried not to blame him but a part of her did, he left their boy alone with his ex and now he was gone. he needed her as much as she needed him.

"I know. I'm not trying to push you away. I just dont know what to do. I want to cry, scream, fight. I'm angry as hell, but I'm terrified we wont find him, I'm scared for him hes probably scared and crying, not being comforted and loved. hes a-alone!" she choked out the last of her sentence as she clung to jax. her arms wrapped around his waist, she held on to him like her life depended on it.

jax held her as close as he could while she cried. he didnt say anything until she slowed down.

"I will get him back. I wont stop looking until he is home."

maddie wiped her eyes "I know. I know. I think I just need to relax. I cant think straight and I feel like I cant breath."

they stood there with their foreheads laid together holding each other. after a few minutes maddie kissed him.

"okay. alright. I'm good now. I need to go see the kid then we go find our boy." kissing him again.

"whatever you want baby." max smirked before he kissed her hard.

"go on I want to watch that ass for a minute"he said slapping her ass knowing it would make her laugh.

"oh this ass?" she asked turning around and deliberately swaying her hips as she walked a few feet looking over her shoulder.

jax licked his lips and winked at her before chasing after her making her laugh.

jax wrapped one arm around her from behind and grabbed her ass with the other "yes this ass." he kissed her neck real quick.

"you are something else teller."

"yeah yeah but I got you to laugh didn't I? that's all needed babe. I love you."

"you always make me laugh. i love you. come on we get things to take care of." she said grabbing his hand and pulling him with her.

familiar Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora