chapter 14

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it had been two months since jax broke things off with maddie. she was much better now, or so she made it seem. she had a schedule she stuck to. scott had moved her to work in his office. he owned several bars in tacoma, a apartment building and car lot. after he found out about her rape he had her start doing his books so she wouldnt have to work at the bar.

maddie would get up several hours early to go run a mile with her dog, she named him killer. thats what he was trained to do, attack in order to protect her. she would go to the gym for a hour before she went home to get ready for work. after work she would run again before she went home and cooked. she would sit there alone, in silence drinking before she went to sleep.

jax missed the hell out maddie. abel still looked for her. he hated breaking her heart and knew it was breaking his sons heart not having his mama here. he found his dads manuscript and was planning on going nomad. he hired neeta to watch abel and even had tara help some. she was so eager to be there for him.

he figured he would hear from maddie but she never called or texted. he fucked any croweater he could but all he could picture was maddie. he even fucked tara thinking maybe he could reconnect and just be with her but all he ever saw was maddie. he was going insane. he swore one day when he was riding around charming he seen her walking down the road but when he pulled over so fast he almost laid his bike down it wasnt her.

Gemma hated seeing her baby boy go through this. she tried to call maddie to check in but she didnt answer. it showed up on maddies phone that gemma called so she unblocked her number and texted her "im sorry ma. shit sorry gemma. i really am. i wont lie i miss him but i wish i could hate him, no matter how hard i try to i cant hate your asshole of a son. i miss abel so much my heart breaks for my baby boy. i miss you and the the rest of the club. i love all of you. i dont know what i done wrong or if jax was right and i was naive to belive i mattered to any of you. either way you guys meant alot of to me. please give abel a hug and kiss for me and tell him i love him so so much more than anything in this world. take care and  all of you please stay safe." maddie blocked her number again not worried about a reply she didnt want a reply she had said what she needed to.

gemma was pissed at jax for what he done to maddie. she loved her like a daughter. two weeks after they raped maddie they got her to. tara and Wayne were the only ones who knew, but gemma had no idea maddie got hurt to. gemma showed jax the text, "fuck" he yelled punching the wall.

he slammed the office door shut and sat down on the couch. gemma could tell he was crying. after giving him a minute she locked the door and sat down next to him. she wrapped her around her broken son "you fix this shit jax. you guys finish this shit with zobelle and you go fix this. you go get her back and bring her home. bring my daughter home and abels mama" she told him. "ma theres no fixing it. i told her it was all a lie, and that i was fucking tara the whole time." gemma slapped her son upside his head "i did what i had to, she needed to hate me ma. i cant have her getting hurt." "that was fucked up jackson. i dont care. when this shit is done you figure it out. find out how to fix it. i dont care if you have to fucking beg, you beg. the was she sounded in that text theres still a chance. she still loves you when she should hate you. that woman loves you and abel. she is your old lady. you will figure it out you hear me." "damn ma sounds like you love her more than me." "not fully son. but i know how good she is for you. none of these croweaters or the good doctor amount to half the woman maddie is. fix it jackson or spend the rest of your days trying to. now get out of my office i got work to do." "thanks ma" jax said kissing her cheek and walking out.

clay called church. "our brothers up in tacoma are having problems again. shits been calm enough here for us to go up and handle this but well leave a few. got a few nomads and brothers from indian hills coming to keep watch of our families. they stay on lockdown here while we help tacoma out." he told everyone.

he looked to happy, kozik, quinn who was going to tacoma with them and another nomad "lee has everyone already on lock down up there, yall have anyone who needs to be pulled in? hap, your mom?" he asked quinn and kozik looked at happy knowing his answer. "nah my mom will  be fine. we do need to stop and pick someone up before we get there." everyone looked at him waiting for more "my kid. lives in tacoma but ill go get her myself. itll be rocky she has no idea im a son so shell probably fight even coming to the clubhouse." everyone besides quinn and kozik looked shocked. "you have a kid!?" tig asked happy just looked at him. "alright i want everyone ready asap. piney, halfsac are staying behind. dont know how long this will take im hoping just a few days but could be longer. guess were meeting the tacoma killas kid." he smirked.

they walked out of church, guys who had families went to get them for the lockdown. clay sent the prospect to get gas to fill up the bikes. everyone else went to the bar "you sure you want to bring her in hap? shes gonna pissed you never told her." kozik told him quinn nodding "yeah i gotta know shes safe."

jax had gemma go get abel for him and pack everything he would need for a lockdown. he followed her to his house and while she packed for abel he packed for himself. he stopped when his eyes landed on the picture of him and maddie he kept beside his bed. "you gonna stop and take her to the clubhouse?" gemma asked from the doorway with abel on her hip "no ma. shes out. shell be fine. no reason to drag her back into this life." gemma shook her head at her son. he could be so stupid sometimes.

gemma said bye to jax before she said bye to her old man. she watched as they all pulled out of the lot. halfsac locked the gate once they were out and everyone went into the clubhouse. 

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