chapter 17

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happy fell asleep with his little girl in his arms. he could remember the last time that happened, when she had her first heart break. happy knew she was hurt because of losing her baby but he couldnt help but feel like there was more to it.

kozik woke him up when it was time to go. they walked out to the bar. "she alright" kozik asked "nah. fell asleep crying in my arms. have held her like that in years man. there more shit going on than losing a baby man. i can tell." happy said. all of samcro looking at each other.

they piled in the vans and took off. their plan went off mostly without at hitch. they wiped out their problem but kozik, happy, jax and opie got hit. jax got shot in the leg twice, kozik shot in the arm, happy got grazed on his stomach and opie grazed on his arm. they piled into the clubhouse waking maddie due to the noise.

maddie walked out of the dorm and towards the bar. "i called betty shes on her way" lee told them "a'ight ill start on Jackie boy and kozik." chibs said. maddie looked around "shit" she said seeing her dad, uncle, opie and jax bleeding. "fuck mads go back to the dorm." happy said "like hell i will" she said walking towards chibs who had the medical supplies they had on hand. she looked at what he had then him "you want some help with him? or i could take care of whoever" "ya know what ta do lass?" "i know enough not to kill someone" she shrugged making him laugh "if ya say so. kozik should be easier." "yall got anymore supplies." she asked looking around lee threw her another kit. "thanks." she said before walking to kozik. she sat it down on the table and grabbed his hand, luckily it went through so she didnt need to find a bullet. "ill just stitch you up since it went through." she told him. him and happy looked at her shocked "where the fuck you learn to do this at mads" kozik asked her "eh yall had your secrets. ive had mine" she shrugged

kozik squeezed her leg some when she hit the nerves. "sorry" she whispered he patted her leg. "itll all be okay baby." he told her "always is koz."

betty walked in ready to get started shocked to see maddie working on kozik. "i got my dad im almost done with uncle koz." maddie told her with a small smile. she finished kozs arm before she went to her dad. "im fine mads" "well i dont believe you." she said with a hand oh her hip. happy signed and lifted his shirt. maddie laughed as she pulled a chair up so she could sit and work. "whats so funny" "look at you. you wouldnt let me get a tattoo till i was 18." "damn right. didnt get your tongue pierced either." "sorry but i have a couple tattoos and had my tongue done until a year ago." happy looked confued cause he hasnt seen any tattoos.

jax watched maddie as she worked on kozik, talking to him and happy like nothing was going on. she already made a great old lady and he fucked it up. he couldnt take his eyes off of her. he noticed happy tried to look to figure out where her tattoos were and he almost fucked up telling him he didnt want to know where they were at. she had one that started on her sternum that went under her left breast and one low on her right hip. he watched as happy realized the only places her tattoos could be was where her sports bra covered earlier and the short running shorts. maddie could feel jax watching her but done her best to ignore it.

she wanted to go help chibs and betty but couldnt trust herself to be that close to jax. he was right everytime the touched she felt that fire inside of her. it didnt matter what happened between all she wanted to do was comfort him but she wouldnt let her gaurd down. so she moved to sit on top of the table and put her feet in the chair. jax just stared at her as they patched him up, maddie couldnt tear her eyes from his.

after taking a shower and changing kozik walked out to see her watching them work on jax. he noticed the whole time how jax watched her, he didnt like it. as far as they he knew jax had a old lady and he wasnt going to treat maddie like a sweet butt.

maddie noticed her dad and kozik had changed, she met them at the bar. "where are your clothes? ill go get them clean." "one of the girls can do it." maddie glared at him "whatever trust one of the whores to take care of it for you." she snapped before walking outside.

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