chapter 26

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a week later jax was busy with the club. maddie stopped stressing so much at night over her assault now she was worried about the guys. just like she told jax one time half of her heart left with any of them when they left the lot and it seemed to affect her worse now that they were making plans to take care of zobelle.

there was always a patch at their house when jax wasnt there. she normally would let them come in and "watch" over her and abel but not today.

jax stayed at the clubhouse last night she knew he hadnt cheated or anything. he insisted they talk on the phone after he got in so late she managed to tell him she loved him and was proud of how hard he was working to protect his family before she heard him snoring. she smiled knowing he was getting the rest he needed. she put the phone on speaker on the night stand and went to sleep. she knew it was cliche but she got so used to having him there and his snores were almost like a lullaby to her.

something woke her early in the morning around 5am. she had halfsac at the house that night since the rest of them were out so late. she heard something out front and grabbed her gun. after a while nothing. she got killer to come with her and she peeked outside she had her gun loaded and ready to shoot, killer was in his mode. all she found was a box. she was hesitant to bring it inside but she did.

she quietly opened it to find it full of copied dvds, in the middle was one of the white masks her rapists used. she had to hold back a scream as she began to cry. its like they knew she was starting to have that shit not be on her mind 24/7. she quickly stashed the box in their closet under a blanket. she took a scolding hot shower trying to block the flashbacks. she kept seeing everything about them, everything that was visible. at first she thought they were stupid and didnt cover all of their tattoos so she recognized them any time she seen them. she started to think the done it on purpose to terrorize her.

she got out of the shower and sat naked on their bed. she felt herself spirling. she knew what was on those dvds and it made her sick. they were sick monsters who were getting off on this shit.

halfsac woke up to the bathroom door slamming he jumped up with his gun and ran. "maddie" he said looking for her. he seen abel in his crib still asleep. "bathroom" she mumbled "are you okay." "yeah just sick. think its a flu or something. can you call Gemma to get abel i dont want him sick." maddie called through the door. she lied straight through her teeth but she didnt want to be around anyone right now and knew she wouldnt be in her right mind to take care of abel today.

gemma showed up shortly "how is she." she said walking in "uh not sure in the bathroom still." halfsac said as he rocked abel after his bottle.

"maddie baby its gem. you okay"

"yeah" she opened the door wrapped in a towel and held one over her mouth "dont want you sick. thanks for taking abel" "oh baby. i brought you some soup and medicine." "thanks i think who ever comes over next should stay outside. germs you know" gemma wondered if maybe maddie was pregnant but didnt say anything. if she kept getting sick like this she would take her to the hospital her damn self. "okay baby. you call if you need anything. get some rest."

maddie shut their bedroom door and sat on the bed again. gemma packed everything she needed to abel and halfsac escorted her to TM. chibs and tig sat on the front porch ready if anything happened.

after a while of staring off maddie got dressed and went to the kitchen. she was starving but didnt feel like eating. jax would smoke in the house but anytime she would she liked to go outback for some fresh air especially if abel was home. she grabbed a couple bottles of whiskey and a pack of cigarette. jax started buying the carton since she had picked up the habit a little more. she brought the box to the living room. she lit a cigarette and took long drink from the bottle.

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