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I opened the door to the DX, catching sodas attention

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I opened the door to the DX, catching sodas attention. "Amelia what the hell happened" soda said running over to me. I almost fell to my knees, but soda caught me just before I hit the ground. "The socs happened"I said wincing in pain. Soda picked me up and sat me down in the break room before going to call Steve. "Woah what happened to you" Steve said looking at me in shock. "Do me a favour and get the first aid kit" soda ordered. "Are you okay" soda said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Apart from a busted lip, black eye, bruised cheek bone, and a few bruises on my stomach, I think I'm good" I joked making soda laugh. "Glad to see your still yourself" soda smiled.

Moments after, Steve walked in with the first aid kit. Soda brought me to the bathroom and started cleaning me up while Steve went back out to serve some customers.

He placed some rubbing alcohol onto my lip causing me to flinch. "Sorry" he said apologetically. "No it's okay keep going" I said sitting up straight. "You sure your okay, your pretty beat up"soda said looking at my injuries. "Yeah I can manage, I've been through much worse" I said as soda finished up. "There you go"soda said helping me up off the counter and placing me on the floor gently. "Thank you again" I said looking into sodas dreamy blue eyes. "Anytime. Not gonna lie you look kinda hot with a busted lip" soda said Making me blush, before taking my hand and walking me back out to we're Steve was.

"Damn you look tuff with all those bruises" Steve joked as he walked back out to the garage. "I always look tuff Steve!" I yelled while Steve flipped me off.

I slowly sat up on the counter facing soda who was behind the cash register, placing the money in their designated places. I was admiring soda, not even noticing I was until soda looked up at me. "Taking a good look huh"he joked, while I put my head down in embarrassment. "S-sorry"I laughed. "Hey I was thinking maybe we should go to the dingo tomorrow night, catch up just me and you" he said placing his arms on either side of me leaning on the counter, our faces inches apart. "Yeah sure that would be nice" I smiled, feeling my face get hot. "Alrighty, be ready by 6:30 tomorrow" he said winking at me.

Soda helped me up off the counter and I started to organise the shelves while soda sat behind the register. I caught him staring at me a couple of times which made me blush a bit. "Are you gonna keep staring at me or are you gonna do your job" I joked while placing a pack of gum on the shelf. "Your too beautiful not too look at" he smiled making me cover my face. "Man we needa get you some glasses" i said shaking my head. "So I can admire you more" he said while slightly biting his lip. " sodapop Curtis, are you flirting with me" I giggled, while he rubbed his neck feeling embarrassed.

After a while it was closing time so soda and Steve started to lock up while I stood out the front waiting for them when I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and pick me up over their shoulders. "Sodaaaa, my stomach" I whined in pain. "Omg I'm so sorry I forgot" he said placing me down. "HA you fell for it!" Making me and Steve laugh. "I'll get you back for that" he laughed draping his arm around my shoulders for the rest of the walk back to his house.

——————————-time skip—————————

"Alright marine, drop and give me 20!" I yelled as I walked through the door, soda and Steve behind me laughing. "Ayee what's up Amelia, woah what happend to your face" two-bit said slurring his way to me. "Your drunk" I said in a disgusted tone, while shoving him off me causing him to fall to the floor with a loud thump making all the guys laugh. "Yeah what happend to you" dal said while sipping on his beer. "She got into a fight with the socs" Steve said sitting down on the couch. " did you win?" Two said getting up off the ground. " I got beat up" I joked, while walking over to the kitchen to grab a cup of water.

I felt a pair of hands on my waist and pull me around to face them. "Soda what are you doing" I said giggling. He placed his finger on my lips causing me to stop talking. " let's go on a walk" he said dragging me outside. "Well I don't have much of a choice do I" I joked as we made our way outside.


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