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I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach

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I felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach. Someone kill me now. I looked over to see sodas arm around me and him still peacefully sleeping. I carefully took sodas arm off me without waking him up and walked over to the bathroom. Great, Nigeria falls has decided come. I took off my clothes and turned the water on and took a hot, relaxing shower.

When I finished up my shower I heard a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey baby you okay" soda asked sleepily. "Yeah babe, can you just pass me some clothes from my room" I said wrapping a towel around my body." Of course princess" he replied waking up the stairs getting me some clothes.

I grabbed out a pad from the draw and placed it on the sink. Knock knock. "Hey I got you some clothes" soda said standing at the door. "Thank youuu" I said taking the clothes from his hand and shutting the door again.

When I walked out, I could smell delicious pancakes in the kitchen. I walked in to find soda cooking breakfast. " morning baby girl" he said smiling At me before turning back to the stove. " morning chef soda" I giggled. "What ya making" I said while leaning my head on his shoulder. "A little something for my princess" he smiled at me. "I could get used to this" I laughed while I went to go sit back into the couch.

A little while after soda came back with some chocolate chip pancakes and some tea. "How are you feeling" he asked kissing my cheek. " well apart from Satan's waterfall and a demonic uterus I feel pretty good" I joked. "How'd you know" I asked taking a bite from my food. "Well I kinda heard you groan in pain this morning and then walk like you had something up your bum so I figured it was the time of the month"he replied making me laugh, while hugging me tighter.

We cuddled for a little while longer before my cramps got the best of me and started killing my insides. I tried to get up to get some pain killers but my stomach cramped up, refusing to let me walk. "Sit down I got it" soda said getting up and returning to me with some tablets and a glass of water. "Thank you" I said swallowing the pills. "Alright imma head back to my house real quick to see what they guys are up to" soda sighed standing up. " Oo I wanna come" I said like a child. "Baby you would really stay here and rest plus your grandma will be back soon" he replied holding my hand. "But sodaaa" I whined batting my eyes at him. He sighed finally giving in. "Hehe yay" I giggled jumping on his back and him walking us to his house across the street.

"Were my favourite people at" I said walking into the house with soda behind me. "Hey Amelia how you been" darry said looking up from his newspaper. "Hey dar havnt seen you in a while" I said walking over to him and sitting on the side of his armchair. "Yeah been caught up in work" he sighed going back to his paper. "You know darry You really need a holiday" I joked making him laugh "were is ponyboy" soda asked looking around. "He's still sleeping" darry replied giving us a look that said "don't you dare wake him up" but of course we didn't listen. I looked over to soda giving him a look and he knew exactly what I meant.

I walked into pony and sodas room and slid under the bed on the side pony was sleeping on. Soda got inside the closet and closed the door. I pushed up the bed causing pony to flinch in his sleep. I did it a few more times before he got scared shitless and put his feet over the side of his bed. I grabbed his ankles and he started screaming bloody murder "darry!!" He screamed making me laugh. I slid out from under the bed dying of laughter. "God Amelia don't do that" he said slightly smacking me on the shoulder. "Darry!!" I mimicked pony making me laugh even harder while pony rolled his eyes. " imma get dressed now " he said kicking me out of his room. "Heh have fun with that" I winked while I walked out. "You better not try anything "he said giving me a look as I threw my arms up in surrender.

"We're soda disappear too" darry asked. " you'll see in a second just wait" I said giggling to myself. "BOO!" I heard soda scream. "AHHHHH" pony yelled screaming like a girl. I cracked up rolling on the floor when soda came out hardly breathing holding his stomach. "You.. should have... seen his face!" Soda said in between laughs. Pony came out a few moments later. "I hate you both" he said trying to hold in his laugh. Me and soda we're still on the floor still dying of laughter when the guys walked in. "Are they okay" Steve asked pointing to us. Darry shook his head before heading out. "I gotta get to work see you guys later" "see ya darry" pony said from the kitchen.

"Okay you have to admit that was good" I said high-fiving soda. "Okay okay that was a good one" he said still laughing. "What did y'all do to the kid" Johnny said sitting in the couch. "Talk about scaring the shit out of me" pony said still annoyed. "Oh common pony you know you love us" soda said giving him a side hug. "Yeah yeah" pony said rolling his eyes.

Just then two-bit walked in with a beer in his hands. "ITS THE MIKEY MOUSE CLUB HOUSE, COME INSIDE IT'S FUN INSIDE" he sang while stumbling over a shoe making everyone start to laugh. "Okay okay stop now my stomach is killing me already" I said hunched over holding my abdomen. "What's up with you" dal said walking in the door. "Try Nigeria falls once a month, red edition" I said laying on the floor spread out. "I think I'm good" dally replied, taking a drag from his smoke.

Soda came and laid down next to me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my neck. "Oh common stop it with the lovey dovey crap" Steve whined pretending to make gagging noises making the guys laugh. "Okay we get it Steve your jealous "soda laughed. " I am not!" He said defensive making me laugh.

"What do y'all wanna do today" ponyboy asked coming out from the kitchen. "Well me and Amelia are going to the dingo tonight for a date"soda said smirking at me. "Oh my grandma gets back today so I better get back and clean up before she comes" I said before getting up and groaning In pain. "You okay baby" soda asked worried. "Soda it's just cramps I'm fine, gosh you guys wouldn't survive being a girl for even a day" I laughed making the guys to laugh aswell before I walked out the door, not preparing myself to what I was about to face.


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