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It was New Year's Eve

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It was New Year's Eve. I had rented a boat for all of us to go out to the lake and go tubing and just hangout. I had finished packing my bag for today and getting ready. I was wearing a baby blue one piece, that tied up in the middle. I was wearing a black swimming poncho over it.

"You ready to go?" Soda asked impatiently. "Yes now I am" I smiled heading for the car. "I can't wait to see what your wearing" soda smirked. "Oh get over yourself" I laughed shoving him into the wall.

I was driving in my car With soda, pony and Steve, while the other guys went with darry and his truck. I packed all the essentials into the back of the car and we headed to the lake. The whole car ride, we were all jamming to the radio, earning a few glares from the people driving by us.

We got to the lake first and started to set up while the guys made their way there. "Alright were should we sit" Steve asked looking around. "Oh! Over there by the big tree" I said pointing in the direction of the massive oak tree by the lake.

We set down blankets and towels and I sorted out all the food and drinks. By the time we finished setting up the rest of the guys arrived. "Took yous long enough" pony joked. "Well we would have come quicker if it wasn't for two-bit yelling at a cop car getting us pulled over" darry said rolling his eyes, while the rest of the guys laugh. " well I'm not waiting any longer, last one in the water is a rotten egg"I yelled ripping off my poncho and running towards the water. Dally tried racing me to get to the water first, which resulted me falling into the mud. "Dallas winston you little shit!" I screamed looking down at my now brown swimsuit. "It's alright the water will wash it off" he laughed. "Your gonna get it" I scoffed pointing my finger at him.

I started to walk into the water when I soda came out of nowhere and pushed me head first into the lake. "Okay one more person do that and you will regret it" I said angrily. The guys all laughed at me making me more angry so I sat on the edge of the pier watching every one swim, planing my revenge.

"You gonna come swim" soda said coming beside me. "No" I said coldly. "Oh common baby, it was just a joke" he said holding out a hand. "Your right" I sighed getting up. As I got up, soda was on the edge of the pier a perfect moment for me to push him off. "HA you thought!" I laughed pushing him off. As he was falling into the water, he grabbed my ankle at the last second pulling me in the water. "Sodapop Patrick Curtis" I screeched. The guys all started cracking up laughing.

"Who wants to go tubing" darry yelled, driving in the boat. "Hell yeah!" Two-bit yelled hopping on. Everyone else hopped on and we began to drive out further into the lake.

"I'm gonna go first since all y'all are too scared" dally said confidently. "Johnny why don't you come with me man" he said patting Johnny on the back. "Yeah sure dal" he smiled getting on the tube with him. As dally was climbing onto the tube, he slipped and his trunks went up his ass. Everyone was laughing while dally went red. "Nice ass man" two bit laughed. "Oh shut your trap" he said fixing his pants.

"Alright youse ready" darry yelled. "As ready as I'll ever be" Johnny said holding onto the handles like it was life or death. "Let's do this!" dally yelled. Daddy begun the boat and started to drive, getting faster and faster. I looked back to see dally shitting himself. "BAHAHA look at dally" I laughed pointing at him. The guys all started teasing him how he wasn't so tuff anymore.

Dally was gripping onto the tube so hard his knuckles were going white. Johnny was laughing his head off when dally slipped off, going head first into the water. The guys pissed themselves watching dally go underwater. "Remind me to never do that again" dally said eyes wide open climbing back onto the boat. "You should have seen your face when you fell man!" Steve laughed, his face going red.

"Alright me and pony next" darry said dragging pony to the tube. "Steve you drive" he said tossing the keys. "Oh god this is not gonna end well" I muttered to myself. It was true, never give steve to drive a boat. " I'm not sure I wanna do this, what if a crocodile eats me or something" pony protested. "Pony there's no crocodiles in here you idiot" darry laughed hopping on the tube. Steve was speeding so fast that the second he took off pony went flying off the tube, while darry remained on the tube the whole entire time just laughing at pony, "STEVE YOU IDIOT I COULD HAVE DIED"pony shouted. "Sorry can't hear you, you little demon" Steve laughed blocking his ears.

Next me and soda went. Soda helped me onto the tube and darry drove the boat. "You guys ready" darry shouted. "Ready as I'll ever be" I yelled back. "You enjoy this stuff" soda said scared. "Hell yeah I did this stuff back in Australia all the time" I said confidently. "Alright 1,2,3" darry yelled speeding off. Me and soda were going pretty good. We were laughing the whole time until I finally slipped off. As I slipped off the tube I cut my shin on a sharp rock beneath the surface. I screamed in pain and the guys noticed, quickly stopping the boat. Soda quickly swam over to me and picked me up. "Baby are you okay what's wrong" he asked trying to see what happend. "I think I cut my leg on a rock or something I don't know" I said wincing in pain.

Soda carried me back to the boat we're they examined my cut. It was pretty deep and was bleeding a lot. They quickly rushed back to shoreline were soda and dally helped me out. Darry helped clean up the cut and bandage it up. "I'm sorry I ruined this day for you I guys" I said in a defeated tone. "No! Don't think that it's not your fault, plus it was still pretty fun" Johnny said. "We still have fireworks to do tonight anyways" two-bit said excited.

After cleaning me up, we gathered our stuff and started our drive home, to prepare for the New Year's Eve party.


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