Chapter 7 : Okay

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Mr Aizawa comes to the scene a few minutes later. So does the ambulance. He takes Midoriya from Bakugou's arms as he kicks and screams, blasting flames at his teacher. Kirishima holds the boy from behind, sobbing into his shirt. Todoroki looks on and follows after Midoriya, constantly next to him.

The class quickly found out about the situation after Midnight was assigned to teach them that afternoon. Everyone was distraught, worried out of their minds.

Midoriya was loaded into the back of an ambulance, paramedics quickly working to stabilise the weak pulse that remained. Mr Aizawa had to help Kirishima load Bakugou into another ambulance. He was still screaming for Midoriya, still sobbing over the boy that risked his life for him.

Hours passed by quickly. Bakugou had calmed down but refused to speak to anyone. He remained silent when the police came to question him. 'He's still in shock,' the doctors would explain as Bakugou sat there completely emotionless.

Midoriya had been in surgery for two hours now, the surgeons were trying their best to save him. Bakugou had been patched up and given twelve stitches to the wound on his collarbone and another five for his arm. Todoroki, Kirishima and Mr Aizawa stayed with him - basically acting like Bakugou's bodyguards.

Midoriya's mum had rushed into the hospital as soon as she heard the news, a flood of tears travelling from her raw eyes. All Bakugou could see in her was his Deku, which made his heart ache even more. Mr Aizawa talked to Midoriya's mother and explained the situation before excusing himself for a phone call.

'Aizawa? I heard about young Midoriya. Is he okay?!'

Aizawa sighs at his colleague's lack of politeness and instant questioning. But he understood. After all, Midoriya was the apple of Toshinori's eye. 'He's been in surgery for around two hours now.' He answers, 'I talked to a doctor and it's a high chance he mightn't make it. And even if he does, he'll be in a coma for god knows how long.'

He can hear Toshinori's anxiousness through the phone. 'I'm coming right now, I'm on my way.'

'Don't be stupid.' Aizawa scolds. 'Everyone knows your true form now. What are you going to do? Run away from the press? You know for a fact that you'll draw too much attention to yourself.'

'I don't care. Swarmed or not, I'm still coming.' Toshinori answers. 'He's like a son to me. There's no way I'm sitting around whilst he's fighting for his life.'

Aizawa sighs once more. He knows that there's no point in trying to stop Toshinori. Because no matter what he says, the man will still turn up. His investment within Midoriya is too strong. The phone call ends, a beep sounding. Aizawa returns to the students, understanding how Toshinori feels.

Because despite only knowing the boy for a short period of time, he's also grown fond of him.


Finally, the surgery light turns off. Everyone waits anxiously for the results. The head doctor walks out, sweating dripping down his forehead and sleeves rolled up. He looks exhausted. Bakugou instantly stands when he sees the doctor approaching.

'D-Deku..' he whispers. Kirishima looks at his friend. This is the first thing he has said since they loaded him into the ambulance.

Midoriya's mother meets the doctor with shaking hands and teary eyes. 'Please doctor, please tell me my Izuku is okay.' She whispers.

The doctor gives her a small smile. 'His heartbeat is still weak, but we've stabilised him.'

As soon as Bakugou hears that he crumples, falling to his knees and curling into a ball. Tears stream down his cheeks.

Deku, his Deku is going to be okay.

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