Chapter 34 : Promise

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Bakugou sat in front of the school building, slouched against one of the many trees that decorated the front lawn.

His mind was filled with Midoriya, the way he looked so helpless and pitiful during his panic attack. It'd been a while since he'd seen Midoriya in that state; a while since he'd even talked to him.

At the moment, everything felt so uncomfortable. Bakugou stupidly prayed for Midoriya to come back, yet didn't even consider possible consequences.

For him, Midoriya losing his memory was a major shock. He wasn't informed like the others were about the possible outcomes of Midoriya hitting his head so harshly.

Bakugou remained in the dark due to his unstable mindset and inability to comprehend any information in that point of time. To put it simply, Bakugou was a complete train wreck.

Even now he still feels the corners of his mind tinge with the discomfort he's felt these past few weeks. Midoriya was alive and well, yet, it didn't seem like he was really here.

Without his memory, Midoriya was just like any other student in the hero course. He didn't stand out, he didn't catch Bakugou's attention or annoy him. He was just quiet little Midoriya; a plain looking boy with good grades and a cool quirk.

Bakugou didn't exactly know how to handle this either, he just felt so out of place. Usually, he had Midoriya glued at his side. The boy had a habit of caring for Bakugou even after the years of torture he had dished out.

It was actually remarkable that Midoriya managed to stay around so long. Bakugou could never quite figure out just why Midoriya held onto their friendship so tightly - even with it being down to the last few threads.

'Hey! I've been looking all over for you man!'

Bakugou snaps out of his thoughts and stares blankly at the red head before him. 'What are you doing here?' He asks, voice monotone. It was unusual for Bakugou to sound so calm. But, Kirishima had seen this side of Bakugou many times. He wasn't always angry, he just struggled to handle his emotions.

Kirishima wore a large, toothy grin as he scratched his neck shyly. 'I got a little worried. Whenever you run off things don't seem to go so well.' He let out a small chuckle before his eyes widen, 'oh! I almost forgot! You won't believe what I heard before coming to look for you!'

Bakugou raises an eyebrow in slight interest. Kirishima usually tends to overdramatise situations sometimes. Therefore, Bakugou wasn't completely ecstatic to hear his 'news'.

'The reason Midoriya had that panic attack was because he remembered something!'

Bakugou feels his heart skip a beat. 'He...remembered?' It almost seemed too unreal. Hearing this seemed to give Bakugou the tiniest shred of hope. Perhaps the world wouldn't be so bland for long, for his Deku might soon return.

'What was it? What did he remember?' Bakugou presses, grabbing Kirishima's shoulders roughly. 'Why didn't you fucking tell me this earlier, dammit!'

'I tried to man! But, you left your phone in the classroom. That's why I was trying to find you.' Kirishima explains, rolling his eyes at Bakugou's demanding tone. 'I'm not quite sure on what he has remembered. But, at the moment, him and Todoroki are talking with Mr Aizawa and All Might.'

Upon hearing Todoroki's name, Bakugou flinches. Not out of fear, but out of pure hatred. It wasn't fair that Todoroki was the one to become so close with Midoriya. It should've been Bakugou, he should've been the one to reintroduce Midoriya to the world.

'Of course that fucking half n half bastard is there.' Bakugou's grumbles, shoving his hands into the side pockets of his pants.

Kirishima frowns at Bakugou's sudden change in behaviour. 'Hey, I know that you and Todoroki aren't on the best of terms right now, but don't you think the two of you are similar?'

Bakugou snaps his head up to meet Kirishima's soft gaze. 'Similar? Me and that bastard? No fucking way! He's that far up his own ass that he doesn't even know what the fucking sun is anymore!'

Kirishima sighs, 'seriously Bakugou? Actually think for a second here. You both almost lost someone close to you and are both struggling with Midoriya loosing his memory.' Kirishima leans against the tree, watching as Bakugou's features remain in the same stone cold expression.

'I know he's been a bit of an asshole and overstepped the line, but he's afraid. For him, Midoriya is the first ever person he's been close with. Don't you think it's normal to become protective over someone you care about after almost loosing them?'

Bakugou stops and thinks about Kirishima's words for a second. He did have a point. But, there was still no way in hell that they are similar.

'I know that if anything happened to you I'd probably be in the same position.'

Bakugou looks at Kirishima completely puzzled. 'Why would you fucking care? You could just piss off with raccoon eyes or dunce face or someone.'

Kirishima laughs softly at Bakugou's clear misunderstanding. He never realised that Kirishima genuinely cared. To Bakugou, he knew they were friends but, he felt replaceable. Call him insecure, but it's his truth.

'Because you're my best friend. You always have my back and I have yours.' Kirishima answers causally. 'If I'm being honest, after finding you that day on the floor of you bathroom... I was so scared. I didn't know what to do. All I knew was that if something happened to you, I'd be utterly lost.'

Bakugou snorts. 'Yeah right. You're just saying that to try and piss me off.'

'I'm not joking, Bakugou.' Kirishima replies, feeling slightly hurt by Bakugou's lack of trust in him. 'You can ask anyone on my mental state after you were kidnapped. I'm being truthful here, you matter to me.'

Bakugou can feel his stomach churn with guilt. Whilst being kidnapped, he worried so many people and even ended the Symbol of Peace. He couldn't help but feel responsible for everything that happened. Because, if he'd of been stronger then no one would've had to endured that.


'Huh?' Kirishima asks, taken aback by Bakugou's sudden weak voice and outstretched pinky finger.

'Promise me that everything you said just then was true.'

Kirishima feels his lips curve into a small smile and without a second thought, he intertwined his pinky with Bakugou's.

'I promise.'

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