#1- Why care?

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Yeojin's POV

The school bell rings, startling me. People around me start leaving to either talk or go to their next class.

I look at the work sheet on my desk and wow I didn't do jack shit. In fact I probably spent most of the time just staring at Choerry. Her and her freaking gorgeous purple hair.

I watch her leave the classroom, hopefully she doesn't get in trouble because of it or anything-

Wait why do I care? I don't even know her that well.

I sigh. What's happening to me? She just changed hair colour that's it no biggie. Other people constantly dye their hair too, why would she be any different? Why can't I just be like 'oh look new hair cool' and move on like everyone else? Is it because it's an unnatural colour, basically against the school rules? I remember my friend Vivi dyeing her hair pink, but then got a warning from the school and changed it to blonde. Even then I just thought it was cool and moved on. Why can't I do the same with her?

The first bell rings as I was lost in thought. The students come back in,but I only really notice Choerry. Is it because of the hair? I don't know. What I do know is that her smile at that moment was so bright the Sun could retire.

But damn.. the hair. Why can't I get over it?

And once again... why do I care?

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