#19 - Teammate

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Yeojin's POV

A date.

A freaking date.

My face is literal fire right now. Why did she have to say that?

And why did I accept? We're still awkward with each-other.

I'm dumb.

I sigh as we enter the laser tag building. We approach the counter.

"Welcome! How may I help you?" The worker asks.

Haseul takes care of the talking, so the rest of us just looked around. The place was quite large, and the rooms probably were too.

When Haseul finished speaking she thanked the worker and turned around.

"So did y'all hear the rules?" She asks us.

No answer. Haseul sighs.

"Why am I stuck with you people..." I hear her groan.

"Because you love us!" Chuu cheers.

"Fine, since none of you listened, here are the rules:

No running;
No climbing;
No physical contact;
Hold the gun with both hands.

Got it?"

We all nod in agreement.

"Great! Do any of you have questions?"

"How many people are there going to be?" Hyejoo asks.

"A room can contain up to 30 people."

"Are we all going to be in the same team?"


"Then how do we split up the teams?" Yves asks.

"Ooh! I know! Girlfriend versus girlfriend!" Gowon exclaims.

"That doesn't work, we're single."

"Uhhhh, then you're against the person you were in pairs with this morning?"

"Seems legit. The people who were at the left of the sidewalk are on my team!" Haseul announces. Me, Hyejoo, Kim Lip and Yves go to her while the others stay with Vivi.

"And me?" Asks Hyunjin.

"We're talking her!" Choerry literally yells, grinning.

"No I!" I wanted my basically best friend in my team.

"We live together!" Choerry exclaims.

"She's my best friend!" I reply.

"Do you live with her though?" She argues.

"Is she your best friend though??" I argue back and we end up actually arguing for a good minute until Hyejoo breaks us up, laughing.

"My gosh, you guys really want her on the team, huh?" She says.

"Of course! We win if she's with us!" Choerry argues again.

"That's exactly why I want her too! Plus, she's good at sports!" I tell Hyejoo. I then look around and see that Hyunjin was recording all of this, chuckling.

"H-hey! Gimme that phone! Delete that!!" I loudly ask(?) and try to reach for her phone.

"No way! I'm keeping this! For blackmail purposes!" She blatantly answers and I start panicking.

"No! Gimme that damn phone!!" I try jumping to get the phone, but I was too short.

"I'm not gonna go to your team if you don't shut up!" Hyunjin threatens. I immediately become silent and give up on trying to snatch her cell.

"Wow Yeojin really wants her to be in the team." Kim Lip says.

"Hey how about a game of rock paper scissors to figure it out?" Jinsoul then proposes.

"Sounds like a good plan! C'mon let's go!" Choerry tells me and we very intensely stare at each-other, for a very short amount of time as I give in under her glare. I couldn't focus well either, I wanted to win but I also secretly wanted to just give her Hyunjin.





Choerry chose scissors and I picked rock.

I won the match.

"HELL YEAH! WOO~!" I scream in victory, though I for some reason felt bad after seeing Choerry disappointed for a split second before laughing.

Should I just give Hyunjin? But I won...

"Alright, alright, she's all yours." The still purple haired girl tells me, smiling. I couldn't respond, I could hear the slight sadness in her voice even if she tried hiding it.

"Great. I'm stuck with the losers." Hyunjin says as she walks to our group.

"Aww! Hyunjin doesn't think we're losers!" Jinsoul uwus from the other team.

"You guys are the bigger losers." The cat enthusiast savagely says back, leaving Jinsoul with a pout. She opens her mouth, wanting to say something.

"Alright, game's about to start. Let's go see who we're with, shall we!" Vivi interrupts. We move to where the room was located. There were vests that were either blue of red.

"Taking red." Kim Lip tells us.

"Taking blue." Jinsoul follows up.

"Wait but I prefer red-"

"Deal with it."

Choerry's POV

"Should we look around for our other teammates? We should get along with them before the game!" I say to the girls when we were done preparing.

"Sure, but you're the one talking." Gowon answers. She was quite shy around new people; it took her a while before warming up to us.

"That's good to me! C'mon let's go!" I then exclaim and we, or I, went to talk with a group of six girls, making up plans with them. They introduced themselves, but I only remembered the name Nako, since she was so short and cute. Just like Yeojin-

We then went to talk with a group of three people, who were also all girls.

"So that makes 14 people... where's the last one?" Chuu asks when we finished with the other group. Jinsoul then points to a guy with a black hoodie with the hood on and he was also wearing the blue vest. We could only see his backside, but he was quite tall.

"Hey let's go see him then!" As I was approaching the mysterious guy, the more nervous I became, and I didn't know why.

I lightly tap on the person's shoulder, who when turned around to face us was showed wearing a mask and had large scar next to his right eye.

He looked too familiar, then my eyes grew wide when I finally recognised him.


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