#5 - Who is it?

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Choerry's POV

I mean my wish came true I guess.

A few weeks already passed and I have still been receiving chocolate, occasionally getting other stuff too, and the messages were always the same. Sometimes the person would write something else like "chocolate lol", "purple hair looks good on you" and "girl". I assume the chocolate giver is a girl.

When I did receive my chocolate every few days, me and my circle of friends, who are Hyejoo, Chuu, Haseul and Kim Lip would try to identify who's handwriting it was, even though I was suspicious she wasn't using her real handwriting. Sometimes they would also look around the classroom to catch anyone acting suspicious.

One time Hyunjin saw my bar of chocolate and the note that came with it and asked me:

"Hey Choerry what's that?"

"Oh, there's this girl anonymously giving me chocolate since the Stargirl thing happened.. do you know her?" I ask her while happily munching on my chocolate. She shook her head.

"No, sorry.."

"It's okay! Thanks anyways!" I smiled brightly. She then went back to her friend Yeojin and I thibk I just caught her staring at me, seeing that she slightly jumped and swiftly directed her attention to Hyunjin. I just thought it was cute.

Yeojin's POV

Shit she caught me. I look at Hyunjin who was approaching me.

"Hey what did you and Choerry talk about?" I ask her.

"Nothing special, really. There's just this person giving her chocolate anonymously and asked me if I knew her." She answered.

"Uhm and what did you say to that."

"I don't know who the person was." I sigh in relief and Hyunjin noticed.

"Why did you sigh? Are you hiding something from me? Come to think about it, why did you care about our conversation so much." She questioned.

And shit.

"N-nothing, no r-reason in particular." Why did I have to stutter.

"Yeah that's not nothing, spill." She ordered, but thr bell rang for the second time, bless.

Hyunjin just sighed and whispered:

"You're not off the hook Yeojin. We're talking after."


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