#3 - Stargirl

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Choerry's POV

"So... you're telling me that you dyed your hair for a personal reason?"

"Yes, sir. I even have the letter in my pocket, if you want proof of it! I really want to fulfill this for them.." I show the school principal the letter and he looks though it attentively.

The principal sighs and gives the letter back to me.

"Fine.. you can keep your hair dyed like this. The reason why we don't let our students dye their hair is because it can bother your classmates during lessons. You are free to go now." He tells me. I was about to leave the office when he added something.

"Also, Choerry.."

"Yes, sir?"

"Sorry for your loss."

I look down at my feet. It's  hard, losing someone close to you. It's even worse when it's more than one person, and when they are your entire world. I feel my eyes well up with tears, but I don't let them flow freely.

"...Thank you."  I say. I quickly wipe the tears off me eyes, putting a smile on my face again and announcing to my friends that I get to keep my hair dyed. Too bad the smile was fake.

In English class, we had to read this book called "Stargirl" for the past week. It's basically about this girl named Stargirl who transferred to this boring school. When she first arrived , because she was so.. different than than others (she would bring her pet rat to school and wear extravagant and colourful dresses, plus she was so energetic), she went from being loved, to being shunned by her schoolmates. She'd also send chocolate to random people, signed her name, Stargirl. Like a star on top of a girl.

Many people in the days after we read the book received chocolate or candy signed Stargirl, so that the giver's identity was kept hidden. I wonder if I'll get one..

The next morning, there was a chocolate bar with a note on it placed on my desk. Though it wasn't signed Stargirl.



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