#13 - Your type

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Choerry's POV

The person put a KitKat bar on my desk again, my favOriTe. Another note was on it, this time the message was longer.

I really like how your smile never falters even when someone insults you, jokingly or not. I think that it's really strong of you and I find your smile really cute. It makes me want to smile too every-time I look at you, you're so bright and positive that the Sun had to retire. Where'd you get all of that from?

I swear, whenever I feel down, your brightness brings me back up. Don't ever lose it!


I smile softly at the message. In a way, it brightened my own day, even though there wasn't anything quite special about it. Hyejoo then approaches me and reads the note over my shoulder.

"We still don't know who the person is, huh."

"Nope. But the amount of times they gave me chocolate, I'm sure they're going broke by now." Hyejoo laughs.

"I could never do that even if I was a millionaire. At least for such a long time." She says. I agree.

"Hey, what do we got after?" I ask.

"Science." She simply answers.

"Ohh.. so how's the analysis going with Gowon?"

"It's going well.. I guess. She talks too much when I try to work. Not that I mind though. We were able to complete a quarter of it last class. What about you?"

"Oh, Yeojin and I focused on it and completed the three quarters of it. We'll be able to complete it today, haha."

"What are you gonna do after you two are done?" She asks.

"We'll talk." I simply answer.

"Tch. Boring. Hey it's the bell, I'll see you later."

"Okayyy!" I cheered. Why did she say us talking was boring?

Yeojin's POV

"What are you eating?" I ask, even though I knew exactly what it was. We already finished the analysis, we were just talking right now.

"Chocolate from that random person. They even wrote a really cute message. Wanna see?" She proposes, and I decline.

"No thanks. What's your favorite type of chocolate?" I wouldn't want to accidentally give her something she doesn't like.

"I probably like milk chocolate the most. White chocolate is too sugary and dark is too bitter, y'know? I'm happy the person giving me chocolate knows my tastes!" She happily says.

To be honest I did not know her tastes.

"Ooh! What's your favourite chocolate brand?"

"KitKats, I looove the crunchiness in them!" Haha like Gowon's voice. Sorry bad pun.

Lucky me I always gave her what she liked the most.

"You think you know who the person is?" I ask.

"Hmmm, I don't know...


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