chapter 21: all a board!

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As I get into my room I take off my shirt and look at the mark the bullet made on my arm but smile as I see that it wasn't that bad I place pressure on it and look around for something when I see jungkook run into my room with a sad look on his face "im sorry y/n-ahh," I smile while patting his head "it's okay, at least I knew you weren't going easy on me," he smiled taking a look then I spoke "can you go get me a bandage?" he nodded and ran downstairs after a couple minute he came back and I bandaged my arm really tight as to stop the bleeding before picking out an outfit for tonight I look at jungkook and smiled "modest or sexy?" he thought for a minute then spoke "sexy for sure," I nodded then pushed him out the room so I could get ready as I got dresses I called Baekhyun but instead kai answered so I spoke "can I talk to Baekhyun?" he sounded shocked but whispered "y/n-ahh?" I smiled a little "kai how are you?" he sighed "you know I forgive you for what you did to me y/n, and thank you for not harming Baekhyun to much and I agree with you plan to and so does Lucas," I smiled as I heard Lucas talk through the phone "help us be free y/n and love you sis," I smiled and said goodbye to both of them before slipping into my sexy outfit which was a tight short skirt a low cut top which left nothing to the imagination and a black fur coat with knee high boots as I stepped out the room I bumped into namjoon so I did a spin "good?" his eyes were full of lust, as he leaned in close "I want to have you right now," he backed away and smiled "you look amazing!" I giggled as my cheeks turned red and I walked downstairs and struck a pose making my authority clear "now boys you know the plan?" they all turned around and I saw their mouths drop to the floor so I spoke "right well I have Baekhyun their lead of snipers, kai the leader of the security and Lucas who is the right hand boy of Dae-chul on my side so..." they didn't say anything so I called namjoon "help my they are just gawking at my tits!" I saw them all start talking so I speak again "all I need is taeyong and ten to be on your side," I start to bite my nails then I call Baekhyun again "yo do you know if taeyong and ten are going out tonight I know they used to love that club down by my old apartment?" he chuckled "they will be there and so will the rest of us apart from Dae-chul," I smiled "get I'll see you later then," he sighed "y/n just be careful I still think of you as my sister," I smiled sadly and then reply "I know I've met ten it's just taeyong that's going to be hard to convince," and with that he hung up, I turned to the boys and spoke "who is ready to go clubbing...ill rephrase that who is ready to kill Dae-chul once and for all?" they all smile and I lead the way to the club as we get outside I flaunt my stuff and get us in before the crowd of people and once we are in I see all the group in the VIP so I whisper into namjoon's ear "wait by the bar and I'll give you the signal," he nods and I walk to the VIP as I get to the rope I'm spotted by kai and he looks amazed so I speak "well hello handsome boys," I see taeyong staring so I wink and I'm offered a seat, once I sit down I take off my jacket as I look around I smile and start to talk "well boys this is fun, why don't we have a chat outside?" I see Baekhyun smile as well as Lucas and kai but ten and taeyong look really confused but agree, I take taeyong's hand and whisper stuff into his ear to make him more compliment which works as he turns red and smirks at me I smile and nod to the boys as they follow us out, once we get in the alley way I pull out my knife as the boys restrain ten and taeyong and then I speak "well hello im lee y/n..." I see ten's eyes light up as he gets free and hugs me "wahhh y/n you looks so grown up, don't worry im on your side," I smile and nod to jungkook who was about to hit him but stopped then I turned to taeyong and smiled "why hello did you know min-hyung?" he nodded his head so I smiled "well im his little sister and im going to kill your boss as you see I have four of your friends already, what do you say?" he chuckled then looked me up and down "well a fine lady shouldn't be in this line but why kill Dae-chul?" I glared at him taking his hand in mine "he took the one thing I wanted to give my boyfriend..." I cut his hand with my knife as I glared deeper into his eyes "he raped me taking my virginity away from me and did it in front of my brother's best friends who were powerless to stop him so I think I deserve revenge in the worst way," he stayed silent so I grabbed his face and made him look at me "I had to watch my brother died from that bastards hands... don't you want a free life?" he looked at me with tears in his eyes "I do... and im in!" I smiled "on one condition?" I scoffed "sure what is it?" he smiled while looking at the ground "I want to have a drink with you and get to know you, just so I know im helping the right person," I smiled as jimin put his arm around taeyong and we all went back into the club before I went in namjoon grabbed my arm and spoke "don't drink too much I want to ask you something later," I smiled kissing his lips "sure thing baby," and I took his hand and we met the others in the VIP.

BTS's mafia princess (namjoon Fanfic) COMPLETEWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu