chapter 25: forget the pain,please!

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As I was crying I was stroking min-hyung's cheek but after a few minutes I felt people grabbing me but as I looked up I saw all the boys with tears in their eyes as they grabbed me trying to get me away from min-hyung so I pushed all my emotions down and wiped my eyes before turning around to face the boys with a smile "im okay now, I think I might just go out for a little bit," they nodded as I made my way to the door but I spoke before I left "can you get him out before I come back ,please" they all nodded so I smiled before going out the front door as the door closed I took a deep breath before walking to the convenience store near the house and getting a lot of alcohol and cigarettes once I paid I walked to the nearest park and sat down on a swing and started drinking, I was trying my hardest to get his face out of my head and the sound of his last breath still played on repeat as I took another mouthful someone grabbed the bottle from my hand so I looked up and scoffed seeing Yoongi and he spoke "stop drinking alone it's sad," I chuckled as he took a swig as well then I spoke "I don't know how I'm going to get over this?" he frowned and looked at me "you will your strong y/n plus namjoon will help you kitten," I pouted but offered him a cigarette as we sat smoking together one by one the boys came and joined us once all seven boys were in front of me I sighed and stood up "I'm bored lets go I'll make dinner," as I was walking out the corner of my eye I saw the boys all looking confused so I turned around with a big smile "come on!" as I open my eyes fully I see them all smiling as they run to me so I run away until I get to the living room but as I stop I felt a large amount of pain in my shoulder and back as I opened my eyes I saw namjoon on top of me so I speak "my king of destruction,"his face goes red as the other boys start to laugh, I get up off the floor and help namjoon up as well then look to the boys and speak "don't worry you'll all get embarrassing nicknames!" they all looked at me so I snickered and walked into the kitchen as I placed the apron over my head and tied it up I looked through the fridge and looked ingredients for bulgogi bibimbap as I got all of the ingredients out I started to prepare all of the vegetables but as I looked up I saw Taehyung and jungkook pouting at me so I sighed "eat ya damn vegetables, I'm not taking them out," I hear them sigh so I turn around and continue cutting as I look around to the vegetables I start to smile placing them in the pot with the beef after an hour of preparing other thing I come back and see everything is done so I call the boys to come to the table as i'm serving up rice I hear the boys all talking so I turn around during "dig in okay there is plenty," we all take our seats and begin eating but half way through I feel like i'm going to be sick so I excuse myself and walk slowly out the kitchen but as I turn the corner I bolt for the bathroom as i get in I open the lid and through up the whole content of my stomach as my head is in the toilet bowel I feel someone pull my hair back and rub my back so I sit up with my back leaning on the bath as I see namjoon looking at me worried"you okay?" I smile and speak "I think so hehe," as I go to get up I start to feel sick again and I start throwing up again then a thought pops into my head I mentally swear as I get up and get some water then I look to namjoon "im fine, I'll Go to the doctors tomorrow okay?" he nodded giving me a hug then he speaks "just go to sleep and I'll see you in the morning princess," I nod giving him a kiss on the cheek before changing and getting into bed as I look to my side I see how worried namjoon looks and I smile but my smile fades when I think 'could I really be pregnant?'

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