chapter 31: things begin to surface

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After the cringy cleaning out of min-hyung's room I smiled as I packed all my things out the bedroom but stopped when I saw a box hidden under my bed as I looked closer my smile faded looking through I saw Polaroids of me and min-hyung as kids the multiple bruise that showed I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I saw my whole body battered and bruised as my adopted parents smiling in the background, I still remember that day... I woke up to yelling as me and min-hyung looked at eachother then got up quickly making our bed and getting changed into our nice clothes after a couple seconds our mum bursts into the room with a evil grin on her face she speaks "get your arses downstairs now it family picture time," I sighed but stopped when I felt a yank on my hair I wince at the pain as I'm dragged out the room once we get downstairs she lets go and I fix my hair and place a fake smile on my face before getting in position as the man started to direct us we smile but after it is all done I run upstairs with min-hyung and he speaks "let run away Leya," I look down and nod. We waited for our parents to get shot up with drugs before making our escape... I was cut out my day dream by a voice as I look round I see baekhyun smiling in the doorway so I wipe my tears and grab the box placing it with my other belonging and turn to him and speak "let's go shall we?" He nods and takes the suitcase while I take my box of memories as we get downstairs I smile and speak "see you later minleya's hideaway," I see the boys smile and I lock the door behind me placing the key under the caucus statue again then walk to the car as I get in I sigh all the childhood memories had gotten me in a shit mind set so I looked out the window tuning the conversations out in a split second we where back to the house and I smiled slightly know that I'm home. I get all my stuff and place it around me room until I get to the box from my childhood I pause then hide it away under the bed just as I stood up namjoon burst through the door and spoke "meeting in 5 minutes downstairs this is important!" I nod and he leaves the room, I sit down for a minute and think, what could be so important? As I stand up I start to feel sick again but push the feeling down and walk to the living room where the others were all sat as I sat in between Yoongi and Jin, namjoon began to explain the new situation we were all in he spoke "we have a new enemy on his way to Seoul to get Lee y/n back?" My eyes perked up then he continued "the man a.k.a Lee hyun-sik says he wants his daughter back and that he knows about min-hyung's death," I froze for a minute then the realisation set in that I have different parents I was to zoned out not hear the rest of the conversations as the meeting was let out I was still on the couch wondering about my real family and how min-hyung must have know all this time once I was brought back to reality I swore "SHIT!" I must have shocked Yoongi as he sat up groaning "why did you do that I was sleeping," I apologized and left Yoongi to it while I got up and went to my room as I got in I got the sudden urge to throw up so I ran into the bathroom and threw up but as I looked up I saw a man in all black in the corner so I took at my knife then he rushed at me I stabbed his shoulder making him stumble back but as he did I felt him kick my stomach and I screamed in pain then Yoongi came into the room and shot the guy in the head as I looked I saw him in shock so I got up staggering and hugged Yoongi "thank you," he chuckled then spoke "you have got bad at fighting since you got pregnant," I scoffed and flipped my hair grabbing a bin bag and towels "no I haven't," I placed the man in he bag and slid it across the room then began cleaning the floor so I spoke "can you get namjoon for me please," he nodded and went out the room just as he closed I started to get really mad throwing my knife at the mirror and shattering it into pieces then I cried with my arms hugging myself I whispered "I'm sorry baby, I'll protect you from now on," I composed myself just as namjoon came in seeing me cleaning up the bloody floor with bleach and a towel so I explain the situation and he clicked his tounge in anger so I spoke "only thing that's important is that everyone is okay, is it not?" He nodded and I finished cleaning the bathroom of blood and brains. Once I finish I start to move he body downstairs but as it rolls downstairs I see all the boys at the bottom looking at me frightened so I smiled "it's okay he is dead," just as I finish I feel someone grab me from behind but I punch my way free and fall down the stairs to see a smirking man at the top of he stairs I growl "leave it to me," I see the boys stay still as I rush up the stairs with my knife in hand I smirk seeing the man staring at me so I speak "I guess your with my father?" He nods and we rush at eachother and I stab his shoulder as he grabs my neck then we both tumble down the stairs and I take the opportunity to stab him in the head killing him instantly as I look up I see the boys so I wave then speak "see Yoongi I can still fight," he nodded proud but then I tried to get my knife back but found that it was stuck so i spoke "sorry about the floor my knife might be stuck!?" I turn to then with my lips pouted and they just stare back in awe.

BTS's mafia princess (namjoon Fanfic) COMPLETEUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum