Year Four: Platform 9 3/4

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Hey Guys!! This is my very first Harry Potter fanfiction!! I hope you all enjoy this. Please dont hate. I've not had much practice. I do however have another book on the works. They are located in "My Works". Feel free to add them to your library. Again, thank you for choosing to take time out of your day to read my book. You guys keep me inspired! If you have any questions, comments, message me or comment!! I'll be sure to get back with everyone!! Again, I hope you all enjoy this!! Love you guys x

The train whistle blows as I stand infront of the Hogwarts Express. The shiny maroon paint, and black smoke welcome all the new comers. I look around and see families sharing goodbyes and I'll miss yous. I stand there, and adjust the strap on my shoulder. I make my way over to the doors, quietly squeezing inbetween families. "Ron, dont loose this one this year. You lost your last one, and it took everything your father and I had to get you another one. So dont loose him" a copper haired woman said to her son, as she hands him a pet rat. I look from them to the train conductor, and hand him my bags "Thank you" I say. I look back over to the copper haired boy named Ron. He looks at me and smiles. I smile back and aboard the train.

I slide into an empty compartment and pull out "Herbology Through the Ages" and begin to read. I run my fingers through my bangs and push them aside. I push my glasses up my nose, and continue reading. I must have gotten lost in my book to not notice the doors to the compartment swing open. I glance up and see three faces looking at me. The girl in the front was the first to talk "Oh, I'm sorry" she says. She has a heavy British accent. "We didnt know this compartment was occupied" I stare at her, then glance at the other two.

The red head from earlier is standing beside her. He peaks around and smiles at me. I smile to him and look to the other boy. He has black hair and glasses. He has a mark on his forehead, and is smiling. They all smile at me, waiting for me to speak. "Umm, its fine" I say, smiling. The girl smiles again. She has bushy brown hair and big brown eyes. She smiles "I'm Hermione Granger. This is Ron Weasley" she points to the red haired boy. He waves. I wave back, then look back to Hermione. "And this is Harry Potter" she says his name, while looking at him, smiling. I look to him and he smiles. I smile back "I'm Rose Matthews" I say.

They all stand in the doorway, looking at one another. "Oh, please. Sit" I say and they all climb into the compartment, and sit on the bench across from me. Hermione sits across me, with Harry on her left, and Ron on her right. She pulls out the same book I'm reading, and starts to read. Ron places his head on her shoulder, and falls asleep. I look back to my book, but feel eyes on me. I look up to find Harry staring at me. I smile at him and he smiles back. He pulls out a piece of a mirror and stares at his reflection in it. I stare at him for abit, then look back to my book.


A few hours pass and we still hadn't arrived to Hogwarts. I close my book the same time Hermione closes hers. We both look at one another and she's the first one to speak "So, what year are you?" She asks. I look at my hands, then to her "Fourth. You?" She smiles "Same. We all are actually" she glances at the boys, and stops when she notices Ron asleep on her shoulder. I smile at them, then look out the window. The door opens again and this time we all stop and look at it. "Hey Ginny" Hermione says to the red headed girl that appeared in the doorway. "Hey" she says, looking around and stopping when she sees me. "Woah, thats weird. We kind of look alike" she says. I hadnt noticed that she was talking about me. I dont see what she's seeing. I have medium length straight red hair, and light green eyes. She has long red hair and piercing blue eyes. She is tall and thin. She has a model figure. I bite my lip and look back to my book, then back to her "I guess" I say, smiling to her.

She plops down beside me and smiles. "I'm Ginny Weasley. I'm Ron's sister" She says. I smile to her "Rose. Rose Matthews" We shake hands, then look back to the others. By this time, Ron has fully woken up. The door opens again and two boys walk in. One African American boy and a tall boy with brown hair. I look to them both, just as Ginny addresses the two of them "Dean. Neville" They both say hey to her and sit down beside her. I look to them, then back out the window.

They all get into a heated discussion about what all was planned to happen this year at Hogwarts. Apparently there's this thing called a Yule Ball thats supposed to happen. We also have end of the year exams. And then next year we have our NEWT's. I was only catching bits and pieces of their conversation. I was to busy noticing the giant castle approaching in the distance. I lean up against the glass, and smile as we come to a stop.

I glance around the room as everyone stands up and collects their bags from the overhead compartment. I wait till the room is completely empty before I stand and collect my bag. Mine (of course) ends up getting caught on the shelf up top. I stand on the seat, and reach towards the back of the bag to unhook the bag. I hear the door open and a males quiet laughter "Need help?" "Yes please" I look down to find Harry standing there, smiling at me. I smile and look at him. I get off the seat, and stand beside him as he withdraws his wand. I stand back and watch as he casts a spell and the bag comes down, falling at our feet. I pick it up, and look at him "Thanks" I say, placing it on my shoulder, smiling at him.

"Anytime" He says, smiling back at me. "Sorry, I dont know much magic" I say, grinning. He shuffles from foot to foot, then rubs the back of his neck. We look at one another as the hallway empties out. "Maybe we should go" He says, heading towards the door. "Yeah, uh thanks again" I say, looking at him. He smiles and opens the door "Dont mention it" he says. I smile and leave the compartment, stopping and waiting on him. He exits the compartment and we both make our way off the train side by side.

Hey guys, What did you think?? Does it sound okay?? Again, first Harry Potter fan fiction. Not going to lie, I'm actually writing this while watching Deathly Hallows Part 1 haha. Anyways, leave comments and message. I'll get back to you all. I promise :) Thanks again guys. Love you all x

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