Chapter 31

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On this particular afternoon, sat the married young woman. Out on the patio of her chambers, she was attaching new strings to her instrument. Days, maybe even weeks have already passed since her husband left, yet she dared not set her hand on her guqin.

She felt hesitant to hold it. Afraid to take action to her wondering emotions she's been wanting to know of for so long.

And today was the first step to that.

Tightening the last string, she placed her hands down to feel the tension of her new set.

The travel from her kingdom to here most likely caused stress on her instrument, resulting it to snap that day.

Wen Yue then took a deep breath and placed her hands in position for that song, and paper to write the next notes. Although the original sheets she'd been writing weren't present with her, she remembered every detail without fail.

The beautiful melody echoed throughout the Night Palace. Although the palace was quite the size, even at the edge did those who pass could faintly hear it.

Reaching the end of what she had so far, she then began to play a few rhythms. The last note she composed was a low note of the original key, making the mood blue. She decided to go with the original pitch for the next section giving simplicity.

Satisfied, she continued.

However, all came to a halt by an abrupt visit.

Quickly, her personal servant Lin rushed to her side with eyes that shook, as though she were afraid.

Wen Yue seeing her expression asked what was going on, "Is there something wrong?"

Lin frowned with a diverted gaze, "Umm....... Your Highness, the Crown Princess is here. She wishes to see you." her voice quiet.

The princess raised a brow. She had also noticed this same behavior with the noble lady on the day of her wedding when the Crown Princess came.

"Why are they acting this way exactly? Is she a bad person?"

She sighed, "Let her in and please wait outside. Do not come in unless I say so." she ordered.

"But Your Highness, I must sta-" her words of concern were cut off.

"Lin," she called her name as she then smiled. "I'll be alright, I promise."

The servant's lips pressed together not sure about her decision but left due to her wish.

As told, she stood outside the room and so Crown Princess Wu Xiang made her way in with a plastered smile on her face.

Princess Wen Yue stood from where she sat outside the patio and bowed to her. "Greetings, Your Highness." showing respect.

Wu Xiang chuckled, "My pleasure Princess Wen Yue." she returned.

The woman of the Night Palace gestured her hand to the table and so the two left there. Knowing how heavily pregnant she was, Wen Yue helped her into her seat to which the Crown Princess thanked her and sat.

"I'm sorry that I do not have anything ready. I didn't know Your Highness was coming." apologizing for her lack of preparedness.

Wu Xiang laughed it off, "Do not worry about it," her eyes then wandered to see the teapot that rested on the table with cups.

"How about we just have tea? There seems to be some on the table." she gestured.

Wen Yue simply gave a frowned smile, "Of course, Your Highness." She proceeded to grab the teapot along with the cups to pour into.

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