Chapter Twelve

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The heart dropping feeling of dread filled my while body. I wasn't entirely sure why I was experiencing this level of anxiety over what happend but I couldn't shake it.

The second Jackson agreed to the challenge his clothe shed as he shifted into his dark brown beast. His glossy fur disappeared into the forest as he went to prepare for the challenge.

I'd read alot on wolves challenging one another, I'd never actually witnessed it until now but there was a certain laws to follow. Usually its a battle of title or territory the reasoning for this challenge was still completely unclear to me.

The beta only motioned for me to follow him on the way back to the pack house. We were only a short distance away but with my frail body and current state it took alot longer. The exercise only exausted my already tired body.

When we arrived at the village of the pack wolves were talking and shouting about the news of the challenge. The challenge only seemed to cause up roar among the pack. Beta colbly didn't seem the slightest bit fazed by the stares and crude words.

He kept his composure as he strided by them with a weirdly comfortable aura. Coming to the steps of the pack house the beta turned to me a quietly whispered to me  " just agree with me". I was beyond confused as he continued up the steps and into the pack house leaving me to struggle to catch up.

The beta all but marched into the office of alpha Larsen leaving me unsure to follow or not. The debate in my mind was quickly over as he kept the door open for me to enter. My head immediately met the soft grey carpet of the floor as voiced of men could be heard angrily talking. Aplha soon let out a growl as he questioned the beta.

"what business do you have to challenge my future beta?".

Calmly the beta spoke as he addressed alpha effortlessly authority laced his tone.

"I do not have to state my reasoning until the day of the challenge or do I need to remind you of the laws set for such things?".

Gone with the gentle almost playful tone of the beta replaced with the royal packs right hand man. I could hear the rage in alphas tone as battled with his wolf for control.

" watch you tongue boy your on my land now alone..

The alphas threat was cut short by the beta as he allowed his wolf to become present.

" tread lightly Larsen"

There was no doubt there was an underlying reason behind the betas words as alpha let out a growl of frustration. Left with no other option alpha agreed to the betas challenge.

"very well then I will set a date for the chellenge to take place two weeks from now. As law states both parties must be present along with any witnesses to the present challenge, any party involved in the challenge must have all family present."

The alphas declaration of the challenge was cut of from beta Harris as he spoke on his sons behalf.

" alpha Larsen surely you can't be considering this the royal beta has advantage over Jackson"

Slamming his hand on the table making me involuntarily jump back an inch alpha all but shouted.

"beta Harris know your place the challenge will go ahead do I make myself clear"

Silence filled the air with thick tension before alpha spoke again his voice calmer than before.

"so beta colby do tell who is your witness"

Amusment hung thick in the betas words as he spoke.


My name stung my ears as I felt the tention rise again growls were coming of every wolf in the office as I tried to make myself invisible.

"impossible breya won't be here in two weeks"

"alpha Larsen need i remind you of the laws set by the Kings Council in how this is to be done. Breya will be present so long as she accepts her position of witness only she is able to decline"

Aalohas teeth clench together as all eyes fell upon me. I could each and every set practically pearcing through me. Now I knew what beta colby meant.

"well what will it be breya"

I was trying desperately to evaporate from this moment but my curious brain began to peice it all together. Beta colby did this on purpose he knew that alpha was trying to send me away making me witness to a challenge forced alphas hand in keeping me here.

The only thing that didn't make sense was why? Why did he want me here? No matter how hard I tried I couldn't come up with a logical reason. Our brief talk in the forest fell short of answers. Leaving me with nothing but blanks.

I felt my body tremble I so desperately wanted to accept to give myself more time to figure this out. But agreeing with the beta and accepting my position of witness meant I was sure to suffer later.

Alpha had already promised to be rid of me when the royals left. But when exactly was beta colby planning on leaving. I knew I was right to believe there was more to this than meets the eye. I knew the royals didn't have business with just me.

I knew aloha planned to kill me and no doubt painfully maybe by agreeing at least I can try and find out the answers to all my questions. But I couldn't help the voice of doubt in my mind. What good would it do?

It wouldnt rid me of these cruel creatures or give me my freedom. It would surly only make things worse. My mind felt overwhelmed as I tried to weigh up the pros and cons of the position I was in.

I wasn't even entirely sure I wanted to know the answers to my never ending list of questions. But this was the first time I'd ever been presented the chance to get them. With clamy hands and a trembling voice I looked up at the beta.

Soflty smiling at me i let out a breath.

"I accept"

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