Chapter Thirty Two

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Shame practically engulfed me as I realised one of alphas works was on full display. The silver beast had dropped me at the edge of the wood closest to the pack house. I knew he was still close my body could feel his presence as I patiently waited for someone named Jamie.

The tear in the thin leggings that was showcasing the deeply scared word "week" had obviously been ripped by the wolf who pinned me. Pulling the bottom part of the leggings up in an attempt to cover it, it began to make sense why wolf had reacted to me staying.

Spinning my body around to face the forest I searched for his green orbs.

"you seen it didn't you"


The one word I didn't want to hear bounced around my mind. I knew there was nothing I could do about it but it took me back to a time where I truly was weak. I hated that I ever felt that way but ultimately I had to focus.

"you must be Breya"

The warm tone of a man startled me into turning to face him. Out of habit it I bowed my head at the unfamiliar man I could only assume was Jamie.


"pleasure to meet you"

The big hand that was shoved in my face to shake made me jump a little still I  pushed through my fear and shook the deltas hand.

"this here is finn, he loves to talk"

The playful tone forced my head up to look at the two men. One man was grinning the other scowling. It wasn't hard to figure out who was who. Jamie pushed his long hair behind his ear seeming satisfied with taunting his friend.

"shall we?"

Even though I knew no one from the pack was allowed to leave their homes until the beta had conducted his investigation I still felt uneasy as I approached the room he was surly in.

Jamie swung the door open leading me into a room with plain wall and minimum decor. A huge table set in the middle of the room telling me it was somewhat of a meeting room.

I hadn't seen a soul on the way through the pack house or village. I couldn't help but wonder where alpha was.

"Breya take a seat"

Colbey pulled out a chair next to him slowly I sat into the seat trying not to anger my ribs further.

"once were finished here I've arranged for the pack doctor to check you over, then you are to rest ok?"

Nodding in response to the betas request he then continued.

"I need to know who you think can help the investigation? Names or even people you believe to have a hand in the crimes Larsen is committing"

My thoughts began to swarm as I decided on what to tell the beta.choosing not to waste anyone's time I finally opened my mouth for the second time in my life to put the alphas crimes .

"alpha Larsen deals with both rouges and humans. The missing pups from the orphanage arnt missing alpha willingly gave them to both rouges and humans"

Anger quickly radiated of all three wolves in the room, holding on by a thread the beta questioned me.

"do you know what they wanted the pups for?"

"yes, the humans wanted them for testing, I'm not sure what that means but I over heard alpha on the phone outside my old room, the rouges wanted them so they could grow up as a rouge helping them to strengthen  their numbers"

Jumping back from the sudden outrage from the beta a small whimper left my lips as the pain from my ribs made itself known. Growls filtered through he air as the beta processed my words.

"that son of a bitch! Why?"

Colbeys hands slammed against the wood of the table making me shrink into my  chair. Jamie quickly placed his hand on the betas shoulder attempting to calm him down.

"colbey you need to calm down, your scaring her and this is solving nothing!"

Colbey moved to the back of the room trying to calm his angered beast. Taking this opportunity I quickly spoke before fear fully gripped me.

"He did it so the rouges would do his dirty work in other packs, gaining an alliance with them ensured the rouges would help him making it impossible for anyone to know he was behind anything it also meant  they wernt roaming his boarders causing trouble."

Colbey returned to his seat and seemed alot calmer than only moments before.

"what about the humans? Why give the humans pups as test subjects"

"money, in return he gained money and their secrecy "

I could tell colbey was struggling with the actual truth of alphas true crimes but he was trying hard not to loose it.

"I'm going to kill him"

Just as he was about to stand both finn and Jamie pressed his shoulders down. Instantly growls filled the room.

"the council colbey you attack him now then your forcing the royal pack to declare war! This has to be handled by our laws death is to easy for him"

"let go of me"

Shoving both wolves of him he straightend his jacket. It pained him that they were right, but they had worked to hard to do this the right way.

"who knows of this?"

"Beta Harris but I don't think he actually had any involvement, he has always appeared so reserved and unapproving of the alphas ways...

The bets cut me of as he began scribbling on a notepad.

" Harris will be spoken to regardless, who else? "

" Mrs creed, the women who runs the orphanage, Dr. Hammel and another doctor whose name I'm unsure of. A few of the packs warriors again I'm unsure of names. The rest of the pack are oblivious to all of this "

All eyes seemed to burn through me as they waited for the bta to ask the one question I was dreading.

" how do you know? "

" because I tried to tell them when I found out, they didn't believe their alpha was capable. I mean why would they take my word over their leaders I'm just a human"

Every one took a moment to let everything sink it. Even though I knew of all Thai it didn't stop the guilt I felt about the pups whose lives were inevitably worse now.

"I don't give a shit thst your human, every wolf in this pack is responsible as far as I'm concerned. All of these allegation should of been reported to the council sooner"

I knew colbey want angered at me but I still felt afraid of his anger. It wasn't often a wolf refrained from taking their anger out on me. Just because I wanted to see this through didn't mean my anxiety, fear and the damage done to me was gone.

"thankyou Breya, I know that wasn't easy, I'm sorry it got out of hand but you need to go and see the doctor now, we will need you in  the morning"


Slowly I began to leave the room, I couldn't help but linger as I heard the hushed angered voices of the wolves I'd  just left.

"we need her to stand as a witness in front of the council"

Jamie's voice practically demanded, the beta seemed frustrated as he spoke next, his word making me feel insignificant all over again.

"I don't think the council will except that she is human"

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