Chapter Thirty One

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Warning : This chapter has some violence.

The last sound of cries had died down, leaving nothing but empty silence and sadness floating the air of the orphanage. This only caused my nerves to spike as I clutched the small butter knife in my hands.

I looked hard at the metle knife in my hands and wondered if I was really going to do this. Doubt was filling me with every second thst passed. Gripped by my inner turmoil. I desperately wanted to do this so why was I hesitating?.

My body was sore but mostly well recovered from alphas last visit. I knew all to well that my days were numbered and he would be back. For a moment longer I allowed my mind to find the reason as to why I had to do this. Gently I wondered through the memories the aloha had scared me with. The cruelty he had subjected me to the cruelty the pack had left me to.

Finding my courage through the darkness of my minds past I didn't take a second longer to think. I preyed with every fiber of my being that this worked. Gently I put the end of the knife into the first screw of the lock that had kept me securely imprisoned. Hope and adrenaline filled me at the screw began to turn loosening it's hold on the dainty lock.

Once again I started to doubt myself as j realised how little effort it actually took to keep me locked away. Shaking my head and regaining my senses I shoved the doubt to the back of my mind.

Soon the all the screws were out of the lock making it loose, once the lock was of I Mentally prepared myself for what could happen once I opened the door. I took a moment to breath Placing my palm against the wooden door and gently pushed.

There was no going back now, this was it. With my mind made up I took the first few steps into the creaky wooden hallway. Carful not to make any unessasary noise, being in a house full of pups who had sensitive hearing made it thst much harder.

Soon I made my way to the back door of the orphanage, Mrs. Creed left the old rusted key hung on the wall by the door. As slowly as I could I twisted the key in the lock and gently pushed it open. My heart raced as I cringed at the sound the old rustic hinges made.

Standing still to ensure noone had heard the unfortunate sound i waited. Satisfied I hadnt yet been discovered I let out the  breath I'd held in. I practically broke out into a frantic run as I made my way to the tree line of the forest.

I had absolutely no idea where I was going, I had never even stepped food into the forest before all I knew is I had one goal. To escape.

I needed to get away from this darkens life I was living. I needed freedom, I needed to live without fear, pain or any other form of abuse. I just needed peace my body and soul were tired and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't make sense as to why I was despised so much.

There was reason and that was worse at least if I deserved it I'd understand. My exausted body ran as fast as it could, my legs burning the more I pushed them to move. I begged the moon to guide me through this to help me escape as I became frantically more desperate the closer I got to the trees.

I was nearly there it was literally at an arms length from when I felt my body be slammed to the ground. The force knocked the air out of me as I bounced across the grassy ground. Pain scattered across my body in all fours I began to lift myself from the ground. Fear consumed me as my eye landed on the icey eyes of Jackson wolf.

A tear escaped my tired eyes as I desperately tried to plea with the wolf who was once my friend.

"Jackson please.. I can't.. I can't be here any more just let me go"

I watched as his wolf began to growl with nothing but hatred. My tear soon turned into sobbs as I fell on my knees I wasn't sure if I was begging or hopeless but still my frail body sat before his beast shaking with the quiet pain of my heart.

"I know you hate me but please would it really be so bad if I wasn't here?"

I wasn't even sure what I was saying as I allows my emotional pain to lead me. His wolf seemed to still for a moment a heavy silence left between us. I chanced a gaze at the only person to ever pretend to care for me.

His wolf let out a whine only encouraging me to look more. His eyes glistened under the moons light as they swirled Amber telling me his wolf had took control. I realised in that moment that his wolf was protesting against hurting me or turning me in. He seemed gentle, my mouth hung as I stared in disbelief his wolf had never wanted to harm me. It was Jackson. I began to wonder if maybe wolves were the kind, loyal and loving creatures they portrayed themselves to be. Was it the humans that tainted their very soul and nature?.

Soon the beast let out a viscous growl snarling and protesting against my stare. His ice cold eyes had returned telling me Jackson won control over his wolf. Grabbing me by the scruff of the cardigan I was wearing he dragged me towards the orphanage.

My body was screaming at me to make the pain if being literally dragged through mud caused. I wasn't sure if it was defeat that made my body limp but I didn't struggle against his beast strength.

His beast continued to drag my frail body until we reached the orphanage. Lifting his head to the sky he signalled a howl to alert the pack of my attempted escape. Dread filled me as I lay against the cold grass. Shifting to his human form he tangled his hand in my hair.

Draginng me through the orphanage to the familar door of the basement. Practically throwing me down the wooden steps. A small whimper left my lips caused by the pain thst shot through my arm. I knew that pain all to well I'd had enough broken bones to not need medical confirmation.

His steps neared me pulling myself together I forced the tears to stop. His hands grabbed my arms making me bite my lip in protest from the angered pain. Quickly seating me in the old metle chair he bound my arms behind my back. A grumble of noises left my lips as I fought back the urge to scream from both the pain in my broken arm and the burning from the ropes.

Soon alphas menacing footsteps echoed around the hollow room. Hatred, anger and horror filled me as his voice met my ears.

"well done boy, turnd out it wasn't a mistake keeping you after all"

"thankyou alpha"

I didn't actually sense gloating from. Jackson he actually sounded conflicted. Maybe his wolf was trying to gain control again.

"I can't seemed to understand why you would try to leave us runt, can you find a reason that justifys it running away Jackson?"

His taunting voice toyed with my emotions as I felt a mixture of hate and dread fill me.

"no alpha"

As soon as the words left his mouth alpha has my face in a iron grip. His claws digging into the skin of my cheaks. Warm blood trickled down my face as his hatred showed through his voice.

"did you really think you'd actually get away? That you were strong enough to even try?"

He wasn't actually seeking an answer just venting his anger and playing his favourite game of cat and mouse. His other clawed hand ripped the material of my cotten dress exposing my thigh to him. The evil gleam in his eyes told me what was coming.

Grabbing the sharpened blade out of Jackson hands he practically shook with excitement. Wasting no time at all he began to craft his vicous art on my naked leg. Screams echoed around the room from my lips as the pain became unbearable.

I hated thay I could stop them leaving my mouth. Knowing full well they were music to his evil soul. Whay felt like hours of pain and the feeling of warm liquid running down my body he forced my head down to find the word he had engraved on my body. My eyes were ready to close as my body shut down but not before I could see his master piece. Carved into my leg was one single word.


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