Is This Where I'm Supposed To Be At All?

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It's been two days since Ricky asked me to the dance. Tonight is the dance. Was I surprised? Yes, and no.
Our relationship wasn't going very fast, mostly because we aren't official yet. We've FaceTimed for the past couple of days for hours and it never gets boring.
What to wear, what to wear.
I decided to text Ricky and ask him what he's wearing.

Nini: hey ricky. quick question. what are you wearing tonight?

It didn't take him less than a minute to respond with a picture of a cute black suit and a dark blue bow tie.
Then I knew exactly what to wear.


Was I scared for tonight? Absolutely not. Okay, I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous.
But I had to push the nerves down.
I took a deep breath as I pulled into her driveway.
Parking the car, I looked up at her house. It was beautiful. I always love coming to her house. It's been a while since I've seen her bedroom window, all lit up with pink and yellow fairy lights.
I got out of my car and walked up to her front door, straightening out my suit.
I knocked on the door and was greeted by Carol, one of Nini's moms.
"Ricky!" She exclaimed and brought me in for a hug.
"Hey, Mrs. Salazar-Roberts," I smiled.
She pulled away to look at him.
"Oh, you've gotten so much taller."
"Haha, yeah, maybe a little," I replied.
"Nini will be down in just a second. She just had to find the perfect shoes."
I smiled at her.
Carol was one of the nicest mom's I have ever met. She was always there for Nini and for myself.
I was about to compliment Carol's Birkenstock's until I heard a door open. I looked up the stairs and there was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
I couldn't speak. I couldn't even think.
Nini was dressed in a dark blue dress, almost the exact same color as my bow tie. It was tighter at the top but once it reached below her waist, it flowed off and stopped at her knees.
Nini walked down the stairs and didn't take her gaze off of me.
I scratched the back of my neck and blushed. Like, really hard.
"Nini, you..." I cut myself off because I couldn't form the words.
"You look stunning," I finally got out.
Nini laughed and all of my nerves calmed down. She had that affect on me.
"Thank you," she smiled.
As she reached the bottom step, she pulled me in for a hug.
"And you look so handsome tonight," she whispered.
Dana, Nini's other mom walked out from the kitchen, holding a camera.
"Oh, there are my two favorite kids. You both look so good, tonight."
I couldn't stop looking at Nini. She was just so pretty.
"Thanks moms," Nini said to them.
"Picture?" Carol asked us both.
"Uh, yes of course!" I said.
Nini and I got even closer and I put my arm around her waist. Carol took the picture.
"Well, should we get going?" I asked Nini.
She nodded and smiled.
I opened the door for her and she stepped out.
"Thank you both, Mrs. Salazar-Roberts," I said to them both.
"Have fun, Ricky," Dana called.
I smiled and shut the door.
As I shut the door, I stopped and got a good look at Nini.
"Stop staring," she smiled.
I smiled back. I couldn't help it.


Why was he acting like such a flirt? I didn't look that amazing. Although Ricky actually looked really cute. I couldn't help but wanting to kiss him. Just like we did about a week ago.
"Should we..."
"Yeah," I said and started to walk towards his beige car.
He walked right behind me and opened the door like a gentleman.
I smiled at him and got inside.
In no more than 5 minutes we arrived at East High.
We both got out and Ricky walked over to me and offered his arm.
I gently took it and we started to walk inside. Holding onto Ricky made me feel important. Like I belonged with him.
I looked up at him and he looked back and smiled. That awkward, cute, nervous smile that he always does at the corner of his mouth. I love it.

Swept Off My Feet- Rini FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz