Seems Like A Part Of Me Will Always Have To Lose

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(A/N) Also if anyone wants to comment story title suggestions, I would gladly accept them!
I love looking at the lyrics of the soundtracks and picking out lyrics for my chapter titles, so if anyone has a line that they like, please share it!


Nini dragged me into her kitchen.
"What are we-"
"You'll see," she smiled.
She went into the pantry where Carol kept her aprons and she brought out two.
Nini handed me the one I wore when I cooked for her when she was sick; the pink apron with cartoon pieces of cake that says: shake that cake.
"Here you are, Master Chef Ricky," she said, while handing it to me.
"Ah, oui, merci," I said back.
Faster than I could comprehend, she flipped her hair over and tied it in a messy bun, which I thought was the cutest thing in the entire world.
Then she put her dark red apron.
"So, I'm guessing we're cooking?" I said.
"Ahah, that's where you're wrong!" She exclaimed, putting her hands on my shoulders.
"We are baking," she said enthusiastically. "Big difference."
"Alright, and what exactly are we baking?" I smiled, taking her hands off my shoulders and lacing them through my fingers.
"You know what my favorite Disney movie is, right?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said, thinking. "The one with the frog and the prince."
"Yes!" She exclaimed, putting both her hands on my face. "Princess And The Frog!"
"Okay, and what does that have anything to do with our baking situation?" I asked.
She took her hands off my face and walked over to the cupboard above the sink where they stored their recipe box.
She reached up and took out the brown box full of recipes.
She turned around and showed me.
"In here lies the sacred recipe to what we are making today," she said, setting the box down on the counter.
I walked over to her and the box as she fiddled through the recipes.
"Here!" She said, taking out the piece of paper, and handing it to me.
"Triple Decker Chocolate and Vanilla Cake," I read aloud.
"Just like the one in the movie!" She said, trying to contain her excitement.
I looked up at her.
"This is awesome. Let's do it."


We were only ten minutes into the baking process and my kitchen was a mess.
We started to work on the kitchen island, but it got covered in flour some how, so we had to move to the counter by the sink, but then Ricky spilled coconut oil everywhere, which I made him clean up.
And I'm pretty sure that we used way too many bowls to mix our ingredients.
"I did it, I got it," Ricky said as I was starting to clean up the flour on the island.
"What?" I asked, walking over to him. I was mixing the batter, but it came out way too watery so he told me, in his exact words:
'Hey, leave it up to Master Chef Ricky to handle this culinary disaster.'
So I left him to it.
"Ricky!" I exclaimed, when I saw that the cake mix looked like actual batter.
"You did it!"
"I did it!" He said, and I pecked him on the lips.
"I'll get the cake pans," I said, and got out three round, metal cake tins.
Ricky poured the vanilla cake batter into the two pans and the chocolate batter into the other, so we ended up with two pans filled with vanilla batter, and one pan with chocolate.
We put them all in the oven to bake for thirty five minutes.
"Meanwhile, we can get the frosting ready," Ricky said, getting excited.
He turned around to face me, and I greeted him with a fistful of flour to the face.
I had to keep my laughter contained as I looked at Ricky about two feet away, his face as white as a ghost, covered in flour.
"Nini Sal-"
I grabbed another handful of flour on the counter and tossed it at him again before he could finish.
"You are going to pay for that," he said, running towards me, grabbing a handful of flour on the way.
I screeched and ran to the other side of the island.
He tried to throw it across the island, but it all separated and fell onto the granite before it even touched me.
He ran around to catch me, and unfortunately it was by surprise, so he actually grabbed me, picked me up and dragged me over behind the island, as I was trying to get away, laughing until my lungs hurt.
"Ricky," I yelled.
He then took a handful of flour with his left hand, while still keeping me under his grasp with his right.
"Close your mouth," he warned, and then threw the four on top of my head.
I was absolutely covered in flour, but not as bad as Ricky was.
It then turned into a playful fight tossing flour back and fourth until there were barely any spots on each other that weren't covered in white powder.
Then Ricky ran at me, picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder so he was holding onto my legs while I was upside down.
"Richard Bowen if you don't put me down-"
"Then what?" He mocked.
"Then I'll..." I burst out laughing. And so did Ricky.
He let me down and I saw a sparkle in his eyes. I haven't seen it in such a long time.
"Nini, you have a little bit of flour on your clothes," he smirked, trying not to laugh.
"Oh yeah?" I said. "Have you looked in a mirror ?" I asked, reaching up and ruffling his hair so all of the white flour would shake out of his golden brown curls.
"Nini," Ricky said, his smile fading.
"Look at the floor."
I looked down and the pretty hardwood slabs were completely covered in powder.
"We should probably clean that up," I said, staring at the mess.
"But first," I added on.
"Five dollars to the person who can make a better snow angel in it!" I exclaimed, falling to the ground and swiping my arms and legs to make a snow angel.
"Oh it's on," he challenged and laid down beside me, copying my motions.


I couldn't help but stop smiling.
Here I was on a "date" with the literal love of my life, having a flour angel competition after we just spent fifteen minutes throwing flour at each other.
I glanced over at Nini and a radiant, contagious smile accented her face.
Her hair was even more messy from the fight we had, her clothes were covered in flour, and she was hardly wearing any makeup, but this girl was the prettiest girl I have ever seen.
"What are you looking at?" She smiled, turning her head to look at me.
I blushed.
"Nothing," I said, looking back up at the ceiling, continuing to make my snow angel.
Nini stopped moving her arms and legs.
She crawled over beside me, put one hand on my chest, the other on the side of my face, and bent down to kiss me.
I didn't think this night could get better, but yeah. It did.
I wanted to make the kiss more intense, and finally get a little further than just a simple thirty second long kiss, but then I remembered that we're were both laying on her kitchen floor, surrounded by flour.
Nini backed away.
"Well?" She said.
"Well," I started.
"You owe me five bucks. Look at your angel."
She glanced over at the deformed snow angel next to me, which hardly looked like an angel anymore.
We both let out a little burst of laughter as she covered her head with her hands, bending down to rest it on my stomach, laughing until we couldn't breathe.

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