I Don't Have The Answers, Not Today

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Today was probably the worst day ever.
Kourtney was away on vacation, the week before spring break.
Why she didn't wait a week to go on spring break, I have no idea.
But that means I don't get to see my best friend in all of my classes, which sucks.
I just failed a math test, my moms are being very annoying by making me complete many chores even though I have a crap ton of homework to finish, and Ricky is in Chicago.
Oh, and I don't think I mentioned my phone is taken away for two days because I failed that test.
I was in my room, studying on my bed, in high hopes that I could retake my math test tomorrow for a better grade.
I logged onto my laptop and saw a video call from Ricky.
Wow. He called me for once.
"Hey!" I beamed.
I was really happy that he called first. I've been calling first for the past nine FaceTime calls.
"Hey!" He smiled widely. "I tried calling your phone. Did it run out of battery?"
"No, my moms took it for two days because I failed a math test."
"What happened to freaky math girl?" He teased.
"Ha ha," I mocked.
He grinned into the camera, being his normal, goofy self.
"So what's going on? Where are you?" I asked.
It looked like he was on a bus, or something.
I whipped my head towards my door.
Carol came in, walking over to me.
"I'm sorry, Ricky," she said, and shut my laptop closed.
"Mom!" I exclaimed.
"What did I tell you about using your devices for non-school related work?" She asked.
"You didn't want me to" I mumbled.
"Yes, and that includes talking with Ricky!"
"Mom, he moved away. Video calling and FaceTiming is all I have left with him!" I exclaimed.


That did not go as planned.
I was on the airplane, ready to take off when I was calling her to tell her the good news.
And then Carol came in and hung up on me telling me that she was sorry.
I guess her moms were being extra harsh on the punishment.
Well, then this means my return will be a surprise to her.

My flight lasted two hours.
Did I sleep at all?
I was honestly too excited.
I would get to be home with my dad, who I've missed tremendously, see my friends from school again, and the best part, finally being able to see Nini in person.
This past month hasn't been the same without seeing her in real life.
Once I landed at the airport, I had my ID checked and went through security.
Then I was free.
I set my skateboard down and a smile immediately grew on my face.
I haven't rode my skateboard on an actual road in so long.
My house was about twenty minutes away from here so it wouldn't take long to skate home.
As soon as I turned onto my neighborhood road, I become even more excited to see my dad.
But then as I saw my house, I noticed my dad's car wasn't in the driveway.
It's Friday.
He's working.
I skated up my driveway anyways and unlocked the door with the spare key that my dad kept under the door mat.
Cliché, right?
The house was dark except for one lamp that was lit in the living room.
Then I dropped my backpack by the door and walked out of the house.
It was 6:30. He wouldn't be home for another hour and a half.
I put my skateboard down on my driveway and started to skate towards Nini's house.


I just needed time away from everyone.
After dinner, I just wanted to be alone but my moms kept barging in my room, giving me more chores, etc.
I went to The Blue Tree, which is what Ricky and I called a big oak tree behind the library in town.
It was very private and secretive, and this spot was ours.
Nobody else's.
Ricky started calling it The Blue Tree because when it gets dark enough, the leaves on the tree reflect the night sky and appear dark blue.
I sat on one of its big branches, looking out at the town.
The tree was a very large and very high tree, so I made sure to climb to the biggest branch towards the top because I wanted to look over the town.
Then I heard my phone ring and it was Kourtney.
I declined.
Then I saw my wallpaper of Ricky and I again.
I contemplated on changing it.


"Ricky?!" Dana exclaimed, opening the door.
"Hey, Mrs. Salazar-Roberts," I smiled.
"What are you doing back in Salt Lake City?" She asked, hugging me.
"Chicago didn't work out for me. So I'm moving back here."
"Oh, Nini will love to hear that," she said.
"Where is Nini?" I asked.
"Carol and I don't know. She walked out of here after dinner and told us she would be back soon. She can't drive and she didn't take her bike, so she must not have gone too far because she walked," Dana explained.
"Uh, thank you!" I smiled at her. "I'll keep a look out for her."
"Welcome back, Ricky!" She exclaimed, closing the door as I skated towards town.
The Blue Tree.
That's where Nini always went when she didn't know where to go.
I rode into town, and the sun was just about setting.
Then I saw the library.
I got off my skateboard as I got closer to the library and walked around back.
There was The Blue Tree in all its formal glory.
But Nini wasn't on our traditional branch located in the middle of the tree that jutted out from the trunk.
Then I looked up and she was all the way at the top, sitting on a branch a lot smaller than our branch.
I smiled and quietly dropped my skateboard on the ground.
"Ello, mate," I called up to her in my best British accent.
"Do you mind pointing in the direction of a telephone booth? I need to call my mum."
Nini looked down at the ground confused.
Then I said, "Over here, love."
She looked in my direction and oh my god, you should have seen the look on her face.
Her eyes squinted as she tried to see me in the sun, and then they widened.
"Ricky?" She yelled down.
I spread my arms out. "Hey."
She gasped and quickly made her way down the tree, careful not to fall.
As soon as she got about ten feet above me, she jumped down at me, and I caught her, wrapping my arms around her.
"Oh my god," she cried, hugging me tighter.
I returned the tight hug.
"How did you...why are you back?!" She asked in disbelief as I put her down on her feet.
"I love my life here," I told her. "I belong with you, and with my dad. I'm supposed to be here, and I'm not leaving ever again."
"But your mom-" she started.
"It's okay. Everything's fine," I reassured her.
Then she smiled and reached up to ruffle my hair.
"I've missed you, you know that?" She said, trying hard not to start crying again.
"I've missed you too."
Then she grinned. "I have so much to tell you."
"I have so much to tell you, too!" I exclaimed and grabbed her hand.
"Come on, let's get some food and we'll spill everything," I said, smiling like an idiot.
The sun had completely gone down the horizon and we ran into town.

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