You Shine Just Like The Stars

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WARNING~~ Long Chapter


It's been exactly a week since Christmas Day. The dinner with my parents, grandparents, Ricky, and his dad was the best Christmas that I could remember.
I've never had more fun at a family gathering.
Rickys dad brought over presents for both my moms, and actually one for me, which was a surprise.
It was a simple stuffed panda bear dressed as an elf but I adored it, and put it on my dresser.
And as for my relationship with Ricky...
It's as strong as ever.
We've been hanging out almost every day, and at night, FaceTiming.
Apparently his situation with his parents has gotten a little better and he's starting to accept Todd a little more. His mom is rarely at Ricky's house, but she said that once a month, she'll fly back and see him. She chose this weekend, because it was close to Christmas and they could spend a little more time as a family together. And from what Ricky has been saying, he's very excited.
It was 6:00 in the afternoon and I was getting dinner ready for just myself - Dino chicken nuggets and a salad.
My moms went up to the hospital to visit Ophelia, one of Carols co-workers who had an accident while working. I didn't know how long they would be, but I hoped they would hurry up.
I hated being home alone. Especially at night.


"Absolutely not!"
"Do you understand how hard this has been for me? And for Ricky?"
"Do not drag my son into this!"
"He shouldn't even be your son if you're just going to walk out on him like this."

Hey, guess what? My parents are fighting again. Am I surprised?
It has been four hours since my mom arrived here. She was staying the night.
Yeah, maybe not anymore.
I went out of my room and sat on the top of the stairs and watched them in the living room.
Part of me didn't want to listen, because I couldn't handle it. But the other part wanted to know why they were like this.
"I don't understand how you can come back for just a few hours and mess everything up," my dad said.
"How have I messed things up? Because I wasn't happy with you?" My mom yelled back.
"Then why did you marry me?!"
"Because I loved you! But now I don't. And if you won't accept that, then I am never coming back!"
My mouth fell open.
She would come back. Right?
"I hope this is the last time you're in my house," my dad said.
And that's when I lost it.
I bit my lip to help prevent a sound of anger coming from my mouth.
I felt tears brimming my eyes.
I quietly, but quickly stood up and went to my room to grab my phone and my skateboard.
Then I went downstairs, not caring if they heard or saw me and went straight for the front door.
I slammed it behind me.


"Well, you are a fine looking Pterodactyl," I told my Dino nugget, before eating him. I was sitting on my couch watching The Office when I heard the doorbell ring.
I was a little cautious, only because I knew that my moms wouldn't ring the doorbell.
I got up and made my way over to the door, slowly opening it.
There stood Ricky.
It was raining outside, so he was soaked. I didn't see his car in the driveway, so he must have rode his skateboard over.
"Ricky..." I started.
"Can I come inside?" He asked. "Please."
I realized I left him out in the pouring rain, not inviting him inside.
"O-of course," I said, as he stepped inside.
I closed the door behind him and he looked down, as if trying to hide his face.
"What's going-"
But before I could finish, he pulls me into a big and tight hug.
I hugged back, now understanding. It was about his parents. They must have been fighting again.
"Richard Bowen," I said sternly, pulling him away from me, even though I wanted to stay hugging forever.
He looked at me directly in the eyes, and I could tell that he was hurting.
"I need you to go upstairs to my bedroom and get your tshirt and sweatpants you always leave here, okay?"
He nodded.
"Then meet me down here again. We'll watch something on the TV."
He half-smiled and leaned down to peck my lips.
Then he went upstairs.
I put my dinner away, which was sad, because I was looking forward to it, but spending time with my boyfriend was more important.
He came downstairs in less than three minutes, dressed in his dark blue Champion t shirt and Nike sweatpants. (I loved this outfit.)
I was sitting on the couch and I motioned for him to come sit with me.
He came over and sat down, letting me lay down, resting my head on his chest.
"The Office?" I asked and he nodded.
We laid there for about ten minutes together until I turned the TV off and sat up.
"Why did you turn it off?" He asked in a small voice.
"Ricky, you weren't watching it anyways. Something is bothering you. Do you think you could tell me?" I asked.
He nervously looked around the room, intentionally avoiding eye contact.
"Ricky.." I said, taking his hand. "You can talk to me."
His eyes got watery and I knew he was close to telling me everything but there was just one little barrier keeping his voice contained.
I waited until he collected his thoughts and then he finally spoke.
"It's my mom," he said, starting to cry a little.
"I want her gone."
I was a little shocked when he said that.
"I want her gone and away from my stupid life. She has no right being here anymore and I've had enough."
He paused for a moment to wipe his eyes.
"She comes home and for the first hour, everything is normal. And then one wrong thing said turns into a heated conversation. Then an argument. And then they're yelling at each other again. And it's the same words repeated over and over and over."
He had to look away from me and compose himself.
"'It's all your fault.' 'I never loved you.' 'When will it end?' 'I wish we never met in the first place.'"
As he spoke, my heart shattered more and more for him.
"And no matter how bad things are, they find a way to make it worse," he said staring directly at me.
"And sometimes when I go to sleep at night, and hear them fighting, I think, 'maybe in the morning, this will all be resolved,' but you know what I wake up to?"
A single tear fell down his right eye.
"More yelling. More fighting."
I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. I felt like if I did try to say something, I would make him feel worse.
"She needs to go home," he said, another tear falling.
"Back to Todd. Away from Salt Lake City. Away from my dad and I."
I eventually felt tears starting to form at my eyes.
"Why does she keep coming back?" He asked softly.
"I don't know," I whispered back.
Ricky closed his eyes and tears came from both eyes this time.
"I just want this to be over," he cried softly.
"I just..."
I pulled him into a tight hug, not having any intention of letting go.
"I just want this to be over," he yelled into my shoulder, crying, this time not holding anything back.
I felt the fabric on my shoulder getting wet from him, but that only told me how much he was hurting inside.
I have never ever seen Ricky in this state. He was always the strong one.
"It needs to stop," he cried.
He was shaking slightly from crying so much, and it made me want to confront his mom for making him feel like this.
I rubbed his back with my right hand, and ran my fingers through his curls with my other, trying to calm him down.
"It's okay," I whispered, even though I knew for sure that this situation was not okay. But I couldn't tell him that.
He needed me right now, right here. And my only mission was to make Ricky Bowen feel happy again, no matter how long it took me.

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