More Than A Yearbook Memory

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"If it makes you feel better, I thought about changing my wallpaper to something other than a picture of us," I told him, while he still was laying on my bed.
I was in my hanging chair with my legs crossed in front of me.
"Why would that make me feel better?" He smiled.
"Maybe because it might sound like we're even? We're both terrible at this whole relationship thing," I replied.
"So now we're even?" Ricky asked. "I didn't tell you about becoming crippled, and you almost changed your wallpaper."
"Yeah pretty much."
He gently laughed.
"And you're not crippled, Ricky. You have a minor injury."
He looked up at me.
"Yeah that hurts like I'm being thrown in a torture chamber in hell!"
He brought his head back down.
"No need to be dramatic," I said, putting my feet on the floor and leaning forwards.
"Would you like me to break your rib and then have me tell you that you're being dramatic?" Ricky exclaimed.
I laughed as I stood up and walked over to him.
"We need to put that wrap on your stomach so your ribs heal properly," I told him.
"Yay," he said, sarcastically.
I grabbed the fabric from my dresser and walked over to him.
"You need to work with me a little bit," I told him, noticing he was still laying down. "Come on, sit up."
He sighed in frustration and sat up, careful not to hurt himself further.
His sweatshirt was still across my room, thrown against the wall.
Being this close to him when he had no top on was a rare sight.
I mentally shook my head to start focusing again.
I took the wrap and starting from his good side, began to wrap it around his body tightly.
As soon as I got to the bruises, I tried to go as slow as possible, but the tightness must of hurt him because he winced.
"Ah, careful."
"Sorry," I whispered.
I got about three more layers done until Ricky looked like he might pass out from loss of circulation.
"You're trying to kill me aren't you?" He asked as I secured the Velcro in place.
"Maybe," I smirked.
"How does that feel?"
He looked down at his stomach which was wrapped in the beige fabric.
"Really tight. Feels like my organs are being fused into each other."
"You'll be fine in a few days," I reassured, grabbing his sweatshirt from across my room and handing it to him.
He took it and then threw it back at me.
"You're freezing," he noticed.
It was true.
I just had on an over sized t-shirt and shorts, which you couldn't see, due to the shirt.
"No, it's fine. I can get my own-"
"Put it on," he interrupted.
I tossed the sweatshirt on, knowing I could never win his battles.
"You went through a lot today," I commented.
"Do you want to go get something to eat? My treat," I smiled.
He smiled back.
"Thanks, Nini. I really appreciate it. I just don't feel like going out at the moment," he said.
I nodded. "Okay, I get it!"
"Maybe we could just hang? At least until your moms get home."
I sat down next to him.
"That's totally fine with me."
He smiled and laid down slowly, I doing the same.
I got really close to him and put my arm across his chest, half hugging him, while he laid on his back.
I noticed his skin was really cold but he was sweating.
"You feeling okay?" I asked him.
He looked at me. "Yeah."
I let it go, but knew that something was still wrong.
"Can I ask you something?" I asked him.
"Go for it."


"Did you ever question our relationship when you were in Chicago?" She asked.
I looked back up at her ceiling.
"Yeah," I admitted. "Did you?"
I hated that we both considered ending it just because we couldn't handle the distance. Although, it was one of the hardest things I've had to manage.
"How much longer do you think you could have gone?" She asked.
"Permission to speak the truth?" I asked, looking at her.
She half smiled. "Permission granted."
I exhaled.
"Not much longer," I admitted.
She looked kind of sad but I know she was thinking the same thing.
"Yeah," she whispered. "I kinda saw that in our past few FaceTime calls."
I turned on my side to face her, which I actually regretted as soon as I felt my bruises tense up and started to burn, but I tried to ignore it.
"We can't keep doing this to ourselves," I told Nini.
She copied my position. "What do you mean?"
"Thinking about what we should have done, or what we didn't do. It's driving us crazy."
She nodded, listening.
"What happened in Chicago between us, between Anna and I, it's all over. I only want to be with you, Nini. Do you understand that?"
"Yes. But I can't help but wonder," she replied.
"Wonder about what?"
"Wonder that what you're lying to yourself without even knowing it. I mean, we were so confident that we wouldn't be able to keep up our relationship, that we contemplated breaking up!"
"It didn't have anything to do with you," I whispered. "You know that."
She laid back down on her back, so I was looking down at her.
We stayed silent for a few minutes.
"I know, we suck at relationships," I told her. "But there's still so much we need to do."
"We've done it all, Ricky. Nothing is new anymore," she replied.
"That's not true."
She looked up at me.
"We still haven't gone on that date," I reminded her.
"What date?"
"The one I promised you when we were in my car in that storm. We bike ride to the sushi restaurant downtown, then go get ice cream."
She smiled, but then realized she did and immediately stopped.
"It's okay to smile," I told her, smiling back.
I laid down next her, both of us looking up.
"We still have to go on the South Carolina trip together," she told me.
The South Carolina trip! I had totally forgotten about that.
The school sends juniors to South Carolina for a week on a chaperoned trip if they have grades that are 85's or above in all of their classes.
I just made it in with all B's on my report card.
"Exactly," I said. "I'm still going to help you practice driving, we're going to watch the Fourth of July fireworks on the top of my roof, and my dad is going to take us fishing. Remember all of those plans?"
She nodded, smiling.
"I haven't forgotten. I never will," I told her.
"I guess we haven't done it all," she said.
"Not even close."
I sat up on my elbows and was hit yet again by the shooting pain that my broken rib caused.
I bit my lip. I had to stop moving so suddenly.
"Are you-"
I cut her off by crashing my lips into hers.
I didn't want to start something I couldn't finish because her moms would be home soon.
I wasn't ashamed to say that this was our longest time doing something like this.
It was amazing.
"Let's not look at the past, okay?" I said, pulling away.
"I like the past," she replied.
I smiled and we both shared another moment.

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