I Said Too Much To Ever Take It Back

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Being at Nini's house on Christmas Eve while she was sick wasn't the worst thing in the world.
I texted her moms wondering what time they would be back and Carol responded that they just got seated at the restaurant. They still had to go to mall and the movies which started at 11:00.
It was 5:00.
They probably wouldn't be home until 2:00 in the morning, but that was totally fine with me.
My dad said I could stay over, so I would be spending time with Nini today, which I wouldn't trade for anything.
"Hey, so you got the movie?" I asked as I entered her room.
"Uh, yeah," she said, holding up the Breakfast Club.
"Good choice," I smiled and she handed me the disk, which I inserted into her TV.
Nini moved over on her bed so I could come and lay down beside her.
I pulled back her blankets and climbed in, putting my arm around her, letting her rest her head on my chest.
"Who do you relate to the most in this movie?" She asked me, as the intro music started.
"John Bender. The bad boy," I replied.
She smirked.
"Yeah, I totally see it."
"No, I'm serious. I love to destroy school property and smoke weed in the library," I said, looking down at her.
"I don't even know you," she said sarcastically.
I smiled and kissed the top of her head.
After about an hour into the movie, Nini was asleep. When she fell asleep, she naturally put her arm around my stomach.
I carefully pulled my phone out of my pocket and took a selfie of us to send to Big Red.
Once I sent it, I put my phone back in my pocket, and looked at the gorgeous girl, practically on top of me.
It was only 6:15, and I'm pretty sure Nini won't wake up until the morning.
I didn't want to leave, but I didn't know what else to do.
Then I noticed an envelope on her vanity with a familiar logo.
I carefully and gently untangled my self from Nini, and put the blankets and covers back on her.
As soon as I got over to her envelope, I knew what was inside the letter even before I picked it up.
It was a YAC letter, confirming that Nini got in and would be moving to Denver next month.
She hasn't brought it up at all, but I knew deep down that she wanted to go, even if that meant splitting us apart.
"Ricky?" Nini whispered.
I turned around.
"You don't have to stay," she said, looking and sounding really tired.
"No," I said back. "It's okay. I'll stay until your moms come home," I reassured, walking over to her and straightening out the blankets draped across her.
"Just..." I started, then smiled. "Get some sleep."
"Thanks, Ricky," she smiled.
I dimmed her lights so it wasn't completely dark in her room, and closed the door.
I decided to go downstairs and watch TV.
As soon as I turned it on, Dana texted me.

Dana: Hi Ricky. Would you mind staying the night with Nini? Carol and I decided to stay at the hotel right next to the mall tonight. If you can't, we understand. Just let me know and I'll send up Nini's grandmother. Thank you!

Oh wow. This is happening. I replied saying of course I would and I thanked her.
She then told me that there were blanket in the front closet and spare pillows in the master bedroom.
This was my first time staying the night at Nini's, and even though we weren't spending time together, I'm still enjoying it.
For the past 3 hours, I FaceTimed Big Red, watched the sports channel, and read one of Carols magazines on the coffee table, because why not.
It was actually quite fun.


I cant do this. He's not ready. Am I ready?
I was standing by my door, about to open it, but every time I reached for the doorknob, I would hesitate.
I couldn't sleep. I would wake up every twenty minutes, fall back asleep, then repeat that process...for three hours, until I had enough.
I wanted Ricky to come back. And I wanted him to stay.
I checked my phone and saw that my moms texted. They were staying in a hotel overnight which meant Ricky and I were by ourselves.
I finally closed my eyes, and opened the door quietly.
Surprisingly it made no noise.
Then I began walking down the stairs with my arms crossed until I saw Ricky on the couch watching baseball on his phone, half asleep.
As soon as I reached halfway down my stairs he looked up and turned his phone off.
"Nini...what are you-"
"I need you to come upstairs with me," I blurted out.
"Please," I added.
He looked a little surprised.
Ricky nodded. "Of course. Yes. I'm sorry."
I let out a small breath.
I knew he wouldn't say no. Well, no I didn't know that, but I'm glad that he did. He left his phone on the couch and folded up the blanket.
Then he came up the stairs to meet me.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded. "I just...need you."
He seemed to fully understand and probably remembered that I didn't like to be alone, so he didn't say anything else, which I appreciated.
I went back up the stairs, him following.
We got to my room and he closed the door, but not all the way, leaving just a small one inch crack.
I immediately got into bed, given I was very tired, and hadn't gotten much sleep. He was quick to get in after me, making sure I had the blanket he brought over draped over me.
I let him position himself however he wanted, not forcing him to cuddle with me, even though I wouldn't have complained.
But as if on cue, he turned on his side to face my back and pulled me into him.
He couldn't tell, but I couldn't stop blushing and smiling.

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