Seems About Time For A Modulation

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(A/N) sorry guys! I've been super busy with school work and couldn't update sooner. Please don't hate me! :)


Once the police showed up to the beach, the three boys scattered.
One cop caught Finn while he tried to make his escape, and took him into his car for further questioning.
The medics were called down to help EJ, because he seemed to be in a lot of pain from the boys.
Nini wasn't speaking the whole time. She stuck by my side until the cops arrived and then made her way over to EJ, who lay in the sand with his arms around his stomach, bleeding out of many places.
The medics immediately arrived, and the sirens mixed with bright flashing lights brought a lot of attention to the locals. They all came out of their house and stood on their porches spectating the scene.
"Nini, let them do their job," I told Nini, who wouldn't leave EJ's side, even when the medics were examining him.
She looked up at me, tears gone.
"I can't," she said sternly.
With that, I backed up and just watched.


"He needs to be taken to the O-R immediately," a medic announced to the team.
I looked up from EJ's face to the medic.
"What?" I asked.
They didn't respond. They packed up their first aid kits and stethoscopes.
An ambulance was called down shortly after the medics had gotten a stretcher from their vehicle and lifted EJ up into it.
"What are they doing to him?" I asked one of the medics, but she ignored me.
Ricky came over to me and took my hand.
"What's going on?" I asked desperately.
"They're taking him to the O-R," he explained.
"An operation?" I exclaimed.
Ricky shrugged. "I don't know!"
EJ was hauled into an ambulance, and one of the drivers came out to examine him, before announcing something to the medic team and racing back into the drivers seat.
The ambulance lights were turned on and the sirens blazed.
"Come on," Ricky said, pulling me along. "We need to get to the hospital."


The hospital trip took no less than ten minutes. We told the rest of our friends what had happened and we thought it was best that just Nini and I should go, but Ashlyn insisted on going, because she was his cousin.
Totally understandable.
Once we reached the hospital, the girls sped up ahead of me, but I eventually matched their pace and we rushed into the hospital.
"We're looking for EJ Caswell," Nini said breathlessly.
"One moment," the receptionist told us, typing into her keyboard.
I looked at Nini, and I've never seen her so worried before.
"EJ Caswell was just emitted to the O-R prep room," the receptionist said, looking up at us. "If you'd like to visit him, you only have ten minutes because he's being prepped for surgery and-"
"Okay! Yes, let's see him," I exclaimed.
The receptionist picked up her telephone and dialed a one digit number.
"Hi, yes, we have three visitors for EJ Caswell, who was brought in about twenty minutes ago," she announced into the phone.
"We need three scrubs available at the front desk."
The receptionist, who I saw was named Megan, hung up the phone and walked around the front desk.
"Follow me," she said, and Nini and I quickly followed.
I looked behind me and Ashlyn was still standing at the front desk.
"Come on!" I told her.
Nini turned around to look at Ashlyn.
"I can't, guys," Ashlyn admitted. "I thought it could. Just...tell me what's happening when you get out. I'll be here."
I nodded, and Nini and I turned back around to follow Megan.

The hospital had many twists and turns throughout the hallways but we were eventually led into a room with many surgical scrubs and masks.
Nini and I had to put on the long blue gowns, white face masks, and blue surgical caps.
Then we were brought into the prep room.
EJ was laying in the middle of the room on a bed that looked painfully uncomfortable.
He had an IV going through his arm and nurses were walking around, taking his blood pressure and cleaning up some of his smaller scrapes.
Megan left the room, and left the two of us in a room with a half unconscious EJ, and four nurses.
Nini and I observed for a little bit, when a tall, kind eyed man walked in, dressed in scrubs like we were.
"You must be Nini and Ricky," he smiled, shaking both of our hands.
"I'm Doctor Miller and I will be preforming EJ's surgery today," he announced.
"What's wrong with him?" Nini asked.
"We did a quick scan of his entire body and we noticed internal bleeding from his large intestine, and water in his lungs."
Then I remembered the day on the beach when EJ was coughing so much. He must have had a lot of water in his lungs.
"But why is it still there?" I asked. "He did swallow a lot of water at the beach the other day by mistake."
"There could be many reasons," Doctor Miller explained. "But our biggest focus is to stop the bleeding from his large intestine."
"How much blood did he lose?" Nini asked.
"So far, there's quite a bit, which is why we need to get him into the O-R as soon as-"
Doctor Miller was cut off by loud beeping.
I looked over at the large machine that EJ was hooked up to and numbers were changing and his heartbeat was racing.
"His blood pressure is dropping," a nurse announced, unhooking EJ's IV.
"What?" Nini exclaimed.
Doctor Miller grabbed a clipboard from the side of the bed, and flipped through it quickly as the nurses scrambled around the bed, flipping switches on the machine and detaching the IV that was in EJ's arm.
"What's going on?!" Nini cried.
I held her hand, mainly to keep her from springing forward and getting in the way of the doctors.
"Call the O-R," Doctor Miller announced into his pager, a walkie talkie device. "Tell then we're coming."
Nini was about to move forward, but I held her back. 
"You both will he escorted out of here," Doctor Miller told us, rushing out the door. "We'll notify you as soon as possible."
As EJ was being being taken out of the room, I couldn't help but feel so bad for him.
The machines kept beeping, notifying everyone that he needs immediate medical attention.
That there's a possibility that he could flatline at any moment, his blood pressure leveling out to zero.

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